APP - Questions about Vegas


Former Vice President
While gun grabbers continue to display their astounding ignorance about guns while pushing their anti gun agenda, I would like to focus on what doesn’t add up about this story. Maybe we will learn more after his computer is explored.

1) this guy fits zero narrative
2) this took phenomenal planning someone without military training would know how to set up this kill zone
3) we hear that he was a “multi millionaire” but one report says he is worth $2 million. Yes that meets the definition but he was hardly phenomenally wealthy.
4) how could he support this lifestyle with a net worth of only $2 million? Yes having $2 million net worth could allow someone to live a comfortable life but it would run out very quickly gambling $10,000 a shot as has been reported and going on multiple cruises as has been reported.
5) did he pay for this suite or was it comped by the casino?

Something is not adding up.

On a separate note, I am always amazed by he pictured they are able to drum up