Questions brought up by Zimmerman trial


Shaken, not stirred!
Why was one of the witnesses scheduled to testify NOT sequestered from previous testimony? Why did the prosecution not call a mistrial on this?

If Zimmerman is brought up on civil suit, and loses....will all his supporters howl like banshees while forgetting how they danced with glee when Simpson lost his civil suit?

Why has no Zimmerman supporter cried fowl regarding a woman doing 20 years for firing a NON-FATAL warning shot against her attacking, abusive ex-husband?
Why was one of the witnesses scheduled to testify NOT sequestered from previous testimony? Why did the prosecution not call a mistrial on this?

They had a hearing pertaining to that and the judge found it to be a non-issue.

If Zimmerman is brought up on civil suit, and loses....will all his supporters howl like banshees while forgetting how they danced with glee when Simpson lost his civil suit?

The two cases are not the same, OJ was guilty, zimmerman is innocent. In any case, they probably wont win the civil suit, and there is a chance he may even get immunity from it.

Why has no Zimmerman supporter cried fowl regarding a woman doing 20 years for firing a NON-FATAL warning shot against her attacking, abusive ex-husband?

Did you ever stop to think that not every case is exactly the same? That there are different circumstances?

She was not being attacked. Unlike zimmerman. She methodically went outside and went back inside after getting her gun. Her "warning shots" were probably just poorly aimed kill shots. She could have killed her kids. She committed attempted murder.

And here things get messier. Alexander says that Gray threatened to kill her, so she fired a “warning shot.” But according to the court order denying Alexander’s motion to dismiss, she had pointed the gun in the direction of “all three victims” — Gray and his two young sons — and fired a shot “nearly missing [Gray’s] head.”

Gray’s account aligns with this — and adds a bit of color. Gray says that just before heading into the garage, Alexander told him, “I got something for your ass.” When she came back in with the gun, he put his hands in the air. After the shot, he fled out the front door with his sons and called 911. “She said she’s ‘sick of this sh*t,’” he told the dispatcher. “She shot at me, inside the house, while my boys were standing right next to me. Lord have mercy.” Alexander never called the police.

Let me ask YOU a question, if you think the cases are exactly the same, why do you not defend zimmerman? You can't have it both ways. You can't act as if they are analogous but then defend one and not the other.
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Didn't Martins mother and father sit through the entire first portion of the trial before being called to testify ?
They had a hearing pertaining to that and the judge found it to be a non-issue.

The two cases are not the same, OJ was guilty, zimmerman is innocent. In any case, they probably wont win the civil suit, and there is a chance he may even get immunity from it.

Did you ever stop to think that not every case is exactly the same? That there are different circumstances?

She was not being attacked. Unlike zimmerman. She methodically went outside and went back inside after getting her gun. Her "warning shots" were probably just poorly aimed kill shots. She could have killed her kids. She committed attempted murder.

Let me ask YOU a question, if you think the cases are exactly the same, why do you not defend zimmerman? You can't have it both ways. You can't act as if they are analogous but then defend one and not the other.

Oh dear, applying logic can be a real bitch.
well they did...

however a "victims" family has the right to be in court, even if they are a witness.

I was just questioning Bravo's incredulity in thinking the parents of a murdered child shouldn't be in the audience of his oil let's trial.

And yes, Trayvon is still a victim, no need for the quotes.
I was just questioning Bravo's incredulity in thinking the parents of a murdered child shouldn't be in the audience of his oil let's trial.

And yes, Trayvon is still a victim, no need for the quotes.

About as much as a victim as anyone else that commits aggravated assault and violence against law abiding citizens
Why was one of the witnesses scheduled to testify NOT sequestered from previous testimony? Why did the prosecution not call a mistrial on this?

If Zimmerman is brought up on civil suit, and loses....will all his supporters howl like banshees while forgetting how they danced with glee when Simpson lost his civil suit?

Why has no Zimmerman supporter cried fowl regarding a woman doing 20 years for firing a NON-FATAL warning shot against her attacking, abusive ex-husband?

did you cry foul over OJ's criminal case?
well they did...

however a "victims" family has the right to be in court, even if they are a witness. kind of a dumb rule imo if it can influence testimony, but that's the way it is.

it is also likely she already gave a deposition and her testimony would not change much from that
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Why was one of the witnesses scheduled to testify NOT sequestered from previous testimony? Why did the prosecution not call a mistrial on this?
They had a hearing pertaining to that and the judge found it to be a non-issue.

Which is INSANE! How in the hell can a witness give an impartial, honest and non-biased testimony when they are hearing
others testify? The whole purpose of sequestering witnesses is to prevent such problems....that the judge throws out legal precedent's is just ONE of the major gaffs in this trial.

If Zimmerman is brought up on civil suit, and loses....will all his supporters howl like banshees while forgetting how they danced with glee when Simpson lost his civil suit?

The two cases are not the same, OJ was guilty, zimmerman is innocent. In any case, they probably wont win the civil suit, and there is a chance he may even get immunity from it.

You didn't answer the question. The evidence and witnesses could NOT prove Simpson was guilty, so how in the world can a "civil trial" state that he infringed on the victims rights when you could NOT prove he was there to commit the crime? As for "immunity" from a civil suit, how do you figure that? And remember, in a civil suit, Zimmerman would have to stand trial...and THAT given the evidence will NOT bode well for him.

Why has no Zimmerman supporter cried fowl regarding a woman doing 20 years for firing a NON-FATAL warning shot against her attacking, abusive ex-husband?

Did you ever stop to think that not every case is exactly the same? That there are different circumstances?

They share the "stand your ground" law as part of their defense (did YOU stop and think about that?) So why is it that the black folk can't stand their ground and use (or threaten the use of) deadly force?

She was not being attacked. Unlike zimmerman. She methodically went outside and went back inside after getting her gun. Her "warning shots" were probably just poorly aimed kill shots. She could have killed her kids. She committed attempted murder.

You have just made a statement that leaves out a few facts, and then added your supposition and conjecture to that error. Here, for your education:

The “criminal,” the woman sentenced to 20 years of hard time on May 11, was his wife, Marissa Alexander, five feet, two inches tall and slight enough, as Gray mentioned in his pre-trial deposition, that on two occasions he tossed her from their house without much physical exertion. “She’s a little person so it doesn’t take much for me to pick her up and tote her out my front door . . . You know, I pretty much picked her up and throwed her out.”

“I honestly think she just didn’t want me to put my hands on her anymore so she did what she feel like she have to do to make sure she wouldn’t get hurt, you know. You know, she did what she had to do.”

He said, “The gun was never actually pointed at me. When she raised the gun down and raised it up, you know, the gun was never pointed at me. The fact is, you know . . . she never been violent toward me. I was always the one starting it. If she was violent toward me, it was because she was trying to get me up off her or stop me from doing.”

Let me ask YOU a question, if you think the cases are exactly the same, why do you not defend zimmerman? You can't have it both ways. You can't act as if they are analogous but then defend one and not the other.

I don't defend Zimmerman because HIS ACTIONS RESULTED IN THE CONFRONTATION. Alexander didn't. Yet the absurd "stand your ground" law gives Zimmerman zombies the gray area necessary to apply it positively to those they like and share ideology (or attached to there of), rather than any logical analysis.
Didn't Martins mother and father sit through the entire first portion of the trial before being called to testify ?

I'm not sure what parts they were allowed to witness it all....given that their testimony could only pertain to what THEY experienced. The way the system is supposed to work is that you cannot here the testimony of others pertaining to what YOU will be required to testify to. Folks who claim to have information about the actual on-the-scene incident were (or should have been) sequestered from hearing others testimony.
Quote Originally Posted by Howey View Post
I was just questioning Bravo's incredulity in thinking the parents of a murdered child shouldn't be in the audience of his oil let's trial.

And yes, Trayvon is still a victim, no need for the quotes.

About as much as a victim as anyone else that commits aggravated assault and violence against law abiding citizens

Please show us all where the conclusion of the court was that Zimmerman was a victim of "aggravated assault". NOT your opinion or interpretation, but the actual court ruling. If you can't, don't waste everyone's time.
Nope, because while he's a jerk and a sleaze, he was NOT the murderer of his ex and her boyfriend. You couldn't prove that in court with the evidence or the witnesses. Deal with it.

wait a was not proven in court zimmerman was a murderer with the evidence or the witnesses.

why the double standard?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nope, because while he's a jerk and a sleaze, he was NOT the murderer of his ex and her boyfriend. You couldn't prove that in court with the evidence or the witnesses. Deal with it.

wait a was not proven in court zimmerman was a murderer with the evidence or the witnesses.

why the double standard?

Wait a minute.....what Zimmerman's trial proved was that he was NOT guilty of second degree murder...the judge gave the jury CONFUSING instructions regarding "stand your ground" when it came to manslaughter.