APP - Questions for Cawacko

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Dear Cawacko

I understand your opposition to Trump. I also understand that you feel completely helpless living in Commiefornia. From my perspective, the "I live in California so my vote doesn't count" seems more like a copout and excuse. There are more ways to support a candidate than just voting.

But, my question to you is do you want Obamacare repealed? If so, do you think your chances are better with Crooked ILLary or Donald Trump

Do you want to see taxes and regulations lessened? If so do you think your chances are better with Crooked ILLary or Donald Trump

Do you want to see the Supreme Court shift to the left for a generation? If no, do you think your chances are better with Crooked ILLary or Donald Trump

Please don't just say "I have no control". Otherwise you might as well not vote at all
I can answer all those questions but at the heart of the matter is how is me not voting for Trump any different than you not voting for McCain and Romney?
I can answer all those questions but at the heart of the matter is how is me not voting for Trump any different than you not voting for McCain and Romney?

McCain and Romney showed ZERO effort at trying to win the election. They went through the motions

McShamnesty has sold conservatives out on too many issues and is an open borders acolyte.

I opposed them on policy. You oppose Trump because he hurts your feels
McCain and Romney showed ZERO effort at trying to win the election. They went through the motions

McShamnesty has sold conservatives out on too many issues and is an open borders acolyte.

I opposed them on policy. You oppose Trump because he hurts your feels

He hurts my feels? I'm not even sure what that means to be honest.

If you had to answer each one of your questions but with McCain and Romney vs. Obama how would you answer? If McCain won we wouldn't have Obamacare that's for sure. (Actually because of work and where I was living I didn't vote in 2008 in the primary or the general.)