Questions for Legion - A conversation for the ages


on indefiniate mod break
Legion, please answer some questions.


  1. Why do you talk so weird on JPP? You had an odd style of communication. You never talk about normal stuff. It's news all the time. Why is that?
  2. What are some of your hobbies?
  3. What are some of your talents?
  4. What was your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  6. What's something about you that most people don't know? (or most people on JPP don't know?)
  7. How do you describe yourself politically?
  8. Why do some people think you are a secret liberal?
  9. Why do some people think you are a secret conservative?
  10. Do you enjoy eating breakfast for dinner?
  11. What is your favorite season?
  12. Would you rather it be 35 degrees and sunny, or 85 degrees but cloudy?
  13. What was a childhood fear you had?
  14. Would you ever like to skydive?
  15. Do you like chinese food?
  16. What is your favorite city?
  17. Have you ever tried recreational drugs?
  18. Favorite fast food?
  19. What age did you stop trick or treating?
  20. Would you rather have a ballin yacht or a private gulfstream jet?
  21. What is a life goal of yours?
  22. How many countries have you visited?
  23. Are you an anime nerd like watermark?
  24. What kind of nerd are you? (or are you super cool?)
  25. Jade or yurt, who is the coolest between those two?
  26. Domer or Nomad, which is the biggest liberal spaz?
  27. What is your favorite GIF on JPP?
  28. What is your favorite snack?
  29. What is your favorite movie?
  30. What is your favorite TV show?
  31. What period of history do you like the most?
  32. Do you have any pets?

Thank you for your time.
Legion, please answer some questions.


  1. Why do you talk so weird on JPP? You had an odd style of communication. You never talk about normal stuff. It's news all the time. Why is that?
  2. What are some of your hobbies?
  3. What are some of your talents?
  4. What was your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  6. What's something about you that most people don't know? (or most people on JPP don't know?)
  7. How do you describe yourself politically?
  8. Why do some people think you are a secret liberal?
  9. Why do some people think you are a secret conservative?
  10. Do you enjoy eating breakfast for dinner?
  11. What is your favorite season?
  12. Would you rather it be 35 degrees and sunny, or 85 degrees but cloudy?
  13. What was a childhood fear you had?
  14. Would you ever like to skydive?
  15. Do you like chinese food?
  16. What is your favorite city?
  17. Have you ever tried recreational drugs?
  18. Favorite fast food?
  19. What age did you stop trick or treating?
  20. Would you rather have a ballin yacht or a private gulfstream jet?
  21. What is a life goal of yours?
  22. How many countries have you visited?
  23. Are you an anime nerd like watermark?
  24. What kind of nerd are you? (or are you super cool?)
  25. Jade or yurt, who is the coolest between those two?
  26. Domer or Nomad, which is the biggest liberal spaz?
  27. What is your favorite GIF on JPP?
  28. What is your favorite snack?
  29. What is your favorite movie?
  30. What is your favorite TV show?
  31. What period of history do you like the most?
  32. Do you have any pets?

Thank you for your time.

He won't answer those, but you know that already.
Legion, please answer some questions.


  1. Why do you talk so weird on JPP? You had an odd style of communication. You never talk about normal stuff. It's news all the time. Why is that?
  2. What are some of your hobbies?
  3. What are some of your talents?
  4. What was your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  6. What's something about you that most people don't know? (or most people on JPP don't know?)
  7. How do you describe yourself politically?
  8. Why do some people think you are a secret liberal?
  9. Why do some people think you are a secret conservative?
  10. Do you enjoy eating breakfast for dinner?
  11. What is your favorite season?
  12. Would you rather it be 35 degrees and sunny, or 85 degrees but cloudy?
  13. What was a childhood fear you had?
  14. Would you ever like to skydive?
  15. Do you like chinese food?
  16. What is your favorite city?
  17. Have you ever tried recreational drugs?
  18. Favorite fast food?
  19. What age did you stop trick or treating?
  20. Would you rather have a ballin yacht or a private gulfstream jet?
  21. What is a life goal of yours?
  22. How many countries have you visited?
  23. Are you an anime nerd like watermark?
  24. What kind of nerd are you? (or are you super cool?)
  25. Jade or yurt, who is the coolest between those two?
  26. Domer or Nomad, which is the biggest liberal spaz?
  27. What is your favorite GIF on JPP?
  28. What is your favorite snack?
  29. What is your favorite movie?
  30. What is your favorite TV show?
  31. What period of history do you like the most?
  32. Do you have any pets?

Thank you for your time.

Are you an anime nerd like watermark?
We prefer the term Otaku.
Legion, please answer some questions.


  1. Why do you talk so weird on JPP? You had an odd style of communication. You never talk about normal stuff. It's news all the time. Why is that?
  2. What are some of your hobbies?
  3. What are some of your talents?
  4. What was your favorite subject in school?
  5. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  6. What's something about you that most people don't know? (or most people on JPP don't know?)
  7. How do you describe yourself politically?
  8. Why do some people think you are a secret liberal?
  9. Why do some people think you are a secret conservative?
  10. Do you enjoy eating breakfast for dinner?
  11. What is your favorite season?
  12. Would you rather it be 35 degrees and sunny, or 85 degrees but cloudy?
  13. What was a childhood fear you had?
  14. Would you ever like to skydive?
  15. Do you like chinese food?
  16. What is your favorite city?
  17. Have you ever tried recreational drugs?
  18. Favorite fast food?
  19. What age did you stop trick or treating?
  20. Would you rather have a ballin yacht or a private gulfstream jet?
  21. What is a life goal of yours?
  22. How many countries have you visited?
  23. Are you an anime nerd like watermark?
  24. What kind of nerd are you? (or are you super cool?)
  25. Jade or yurt, who is the coolest between those two?
  26. Domer or Nomad, which is the biggest liberal spaz?
  27. What is your favorite GIF on JPP?
  28. What is your favorite snack?
  29. What is your favorite movie?
  30. What is your favorite TV show?
  31. What period of history do you like the most?
  32. Do you have any pets?

Thank you for your time.

1. Self-explanatory and I happen to like news. I sit and cry with Scarborough and Acosta, and with Beck when he was still on.
2. Finger painting, kite flying, crocheting, bath parties obviously, interior decorating.
3. Trolling duh
4. Art
5. Anything fruity
6. I don't actually live in my mother's basement
7. Been evolving for... how many year now?
8. Probably my admiration for Trump
9. Probably my admiration for Trump
10. OMG I love it!
11. Winter. The parties is just so much crazier this time of year.
12. Fuck 35 degrees of anything
13. Being outed
14. Kill me
15. Like who doesn't?
16. San Francisco duh
17. Obviously
18. Hamburger Mary's
19. I still do at parties. Not necessarily looking for candy.
20. A yahct any day!
21. Troll till I die
22. Nil
23. Not like Watermark
24. A dramatic one
25. That's a tough one
26. Nomad, and it's not close
27. Can never get enough Jesse Pinckman
28. Anything that masks my breath
29. To Wong Foo
30. Will & Grace
31. The 70s
32. 2 Pugs!!
if legion popped in with a personality every now and then it would contrast even more with his bot like posting, so he balances that by never engaging. it's the path of least resistance.