Questions no leftist can answer


Oderint dum metuant

It is not being taught in public schools (obviously there may be an exception).
I am not in every public school in the country.

However, based on my experience and research, a general statement of, "CRT is not being taught in public schools is truthful."

The concern isn't parents wanting it banned but the lies and threats surrounding false accusations. That behavior should concern everyone. Death threats towards school administration, school board members, and educators is the concern.

Do you know that social emotional curriculum is now being claimed as CRT? Given what our country, including school children, have navigated in the past 2 years, how could a school not provide social emotional curriculum? Kids need to talk about their emotions, goals, stressor, etc...

I would conclude with this question...
What specifically is critical race theory? Please include an example of it being taught.

Perhaps then, you can prove me wrong.
It is not being taught in public schools (obviously there may be an exception).
I am not in every public school in the country.

However, based on my experience and research, a general statement of, "CRT is not being taught in public schools is truthful."

The concern isn't parents wanting it banned but the lies and threats surrounding false accusations. That behavior should concern everyone. Death threats towards school administration, school board members, and educators is the concern.

Do you know that social emotional curriculum is now being claimed as CRT? Given what our country, including school children, have navigated in the past 2 years, how could a school not provide social emotional curriculum? Kids need to talk about their emotions, goals, stressor, etc...

I would conclude with this question...
What specifically is critical race theory? Please include an example of it being taught.

Perhaps then, you can prove me wrong.

read the book and lesson plans being sold to school systems by AG Garland's son in law. then you will understand two things 1. CRT and 2. corrupt conflict of interest by a high government official.
Other than English composition and mathematics, anything taught at the grade school level is, in my personal experience, total superficial bullshit anyway.

Parents intelligent enough to tell their kids this--really emphasize it as I did to my own kids--don't care what they teach in grade school.
English and math are real.
Everything else is practice for knowing how to learn stuff when you're old enough to understand it at an adult level.

This should be obvious to everybody, and to those for whom it isn't, having kids is a terrible idea.

true, but the fact remains that kids are vulnerable to being filled with propaganda disguised as teaching, the Germans in the 1940s and chinese and muslims today are doing exactly that, and its working. they are producing generations of young people that are full of hate and prepared to commit violence for their perceived "cause".
This message is hidden because Legion is on your ignore list.
This message is hidden because redfish is on your ignore list.

Right now, almost everybody is on my ignore list.
I'm mostly interested in what I have to say.
Other than English composition and mathematics, anything taught at the grade school level is, in my personal experience, total superficial bullshit anyway.

Parents intelligent enough to tell their kids this--really emphasize it as I did to my own kids--don't care what they teach in grade school.
English and math were real, and they learned it well. They only learned the other stuff getting [very expensive] private college degrees with honors.

Everything else taught in grade school is practice for knowing how to learn stuff when you're old enough to understand it at an adult level.

This should be obvious to everybody, and to those for whom it isn't, having kids is a terrible idea.

If CRT isn't being taught or practiced in public schools, why are RWNJ politicians pretending it is?

"On July 23, Youngkin told a conservative radio host, "We’re actually watching this critical race theory move its way into all schools across Virginia."

"Bajak's analysis of 10 campaign speeches given by Youngkin in the week before the election found that "schools" was among Youngkin’s top 10 most uttered words, ahead even of "jobs," "taxes" and "government."

...Bajak collected data from the Twitter feeds of 533 members of Congress. He found that Republicans have out-messaged Democrats 20 to 1 over “critical race theory” in the past month. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., were among the most vocal."
Im not sure whether they can answer it factually or not. But, one thing that I find time and again with any leftist is that when you ask them a question and they dont know the answer they get loud and offensive and immediately jump to calling someone a racist or a homophobe even though that had nothing to do with the conversation they were having.

Just saying, it's not a good look and if you are a leftist it's best when you see your people doing this you calm them down and let them know they're simply hurting your cause.
Im not sure whether they can answer it factually or not. But, one thing that I find time and again with any leftist is that when you ask them a question and they dont know the answer they get loud and offensive and immediately jump to calling someone a racist or a homophobe even though that had nothing to do with the conversation they were having.

Just saying, it's not a good look and if you are a leftist it's best when you see your people doing this you calm them down and let them know they're simply hurting your cause.
I didn't, although, despite voting for democrats, I don't identify as "leftist" nor do I understand what the right defines as "leftist". Seems it is a broad generalization used to criticize anyone who dares to have different opinions.
Dickhead bans me and APL from threads. For some reason, ignoring him doesn't work.
Bah Fongu, Legion, you fucking pussy bitch!
