APP - QuidProJoe

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So let's review the Biden's shady dealings

1) Hunter the crack addicted, philandering son of Joe Biden is given a cushy job on the board of Burisma Energy with ZERO experience in the energy sector
2) QuidProJoe is on record bragging about how he threatened to withhold money from Ukraine if they didn't fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Energy
3) QuidProJoe received $900,000 from Burisma Energy for lobbying activities (I hope he registered. He should ask Paul Manafort)

So none of this is concerning to JPP leftists? Nope, not at all. No what has them up in arms is not the quid pro from Biden, it is President Trump following the law and investigation corruption in Ukraine.

Oh yeah, I bet you didn't know that there was a treaty between Ukraine and the USA stating that they would cooperate in rooting out corruption. There was no exception for "running for President". The treaty was signed by Bill Clinton AND Joe Biden was in the Senate at the time and ratified it.

Apparently to JPP leftists, if you can commit any crime you want and running for President is a get out of jail free card