Quitting Smoking


Not So Junior Member
Damocles mentioned Chantix on another thread, I didn't want to derail that one so I'm starting this one.

As I mentioned to him, I just had my doctor send a prescription to my pharmacy for that product. I'll pick it up when I'm really 'ready to quit.' He mentioned that it was expensive. How expensive is expensive? I'm wondering if it will be covered by my insurance pharm plan?

I was so glad to hear Damo didn't kill anyone or get fired while quitting, anyone else have 'quit stories'? What worked?
Damocles mentioned Chantix on another thread, I didn't want to derail that one so I'm starting this one.

As I mentioned to him, I just had my doctor send a prescription to my pharmacy for that product. I'll pick it up when I'm really 'ready to quit.' He mentioned that it was expensive. How expensive is expensive? I'm wondering if it will be covered by my insurance pharm plan?

I was so glad to hear Damo didn't kill anyone or get fired while quitting, anyone else have 'quit stories'? What worked?
Most insurances don't pay for it. Mine did. I first had to hit my deductible so my first two months were $90, after that it's been $40 per month for me.

As it stands I think it costs about $140 for a month's worth without the insurance help.
Most insurances don't pay for it. Mine did. I first had to hit my deductible so my first two months were $90, after that it's been $40 per month for me.

As it stands I think it costs about $140 for a month's worth without the insurance help.

Well if I do have to pay the whole thing, it's about what I spend on Cigs for a month anyways. ;)
Chantix...hell no!

I talked to my MD about using this aid...he suggested not using it...new symptoms have come to the surface about this drug...being the homeopath MD that he is,he said if the patches don't work...go cold turkey... everytime you have the urge just take a run around the block...I tried it and it worked...by the time I got back home a cig was the last thing on my mind...!


I quit everytime I decide to by simply hating the damn things. Once you start hating them, they taste worse and worse and eventually you simply stop subjecting yourself to something you hate.

Of course if you still like smoking them, it's not gonna work.
LOL good luck.
I quit everytime I decide to by simply hating the damn things. Once you start hating them, they taste worse and worse and eventually you simply stop subjecting yourself to something you hate.

Of course if you still like smoking them, it's not gonna work.
LOL good luck.
The medication makes it so it isn't imaginary. It tastes like crap. Some people actually get sick smoking when they are on Chantix.

My doc is also homeopathic and she prescribed this for me.
The medication makes it so it isn't imaginary. It tastes like crap. Some people actually get sick smoking when they are on Chantix.

My doc is also homeopathic and she prescribed this for me.

That's a similar principle to the way that Antabuse works. It actually makes the patient vomit, I think, if he/she takes an alcoholic drink. Aversion therapy -- if it works, well...

I quit cold turkey about 12 1/2 yrs. ago after paring down to 3 ultralights a day. The cutting down was pretty easy because the number of places where smoking was allowed was continuously diminishing. The final quitting was a bit tougher, though. We went away for a weekend with friends who are nonsmokers; I never smoked in front of my husband either, so the opportunity was pretty much nil. The following week we went to a conference and I decided that this would be an ideal time to quit for good; change of scenery, no familiar cues, etc. When we returned home I realized that I'd been through one of the most difficult periods of quitting, i.e. the first week. I decided that no matter how tempting it might become, I knew I wanted to quit and wouldn't be pleased with myself to have to go through that first week again. That sort of philosophy carried me through most of the first three weeks, after which it wasn't bad at all. By then the physical dependence is eliminated and you have just to deal with the cues.

I brushed my teeth a lot to contrast how good that tasted versus the crappy taste of a cigarette. I even went for breaks with my smoking friends so I didn't miss their company. Surprisingly, I wasn't tempted by their habits. It then became November, cold and blustery, and I was happy that I no longer had to go outside as they still did.

I never smoked in my vehicle, so that wasn't a problem. If you did, you should shampoo the entire interior to get rid of the smell. Also, avoid the Sci-Fi classics, because the oldies had people smoking all the time, including in spaceships. I wondered for a time why I had cravings while reading! :p

You really have to take it day by day, and sometimes have a lot of "talks" with yourself, but it's so worth it! I've never backslid, not even once, and have never regretted it.
My husband quit by imagining a evil entity who possed his body and was trying to destroy him by giving him cravings for cigarettes. Every time he craved one he imagined it was not He who wanted a cigarette but it was the evil entity who was trying to destroy by him making him crave it. He said he found it much easier to resist the cravings if they were not from him and that he did not feel like he was denying himself but fighting someone else. He also spent some time before he quit convincing himself he no longer wanted to be identified as a smoker. He quit cold turkey and has not has a cig in arround 3 years now. He has always posessed a very creative mind.

What ever works do it. There is no wrong way to quit smoking.
My husband quit by imagining a evil entity who possed his body and was trying to destroy him by giving him cravings for cigarettes. Every time he craved one he imagined it was not He who wanted a cigarette but it was the evil entity who was trying to destroy by him making him crave it. He said he found it much easier to resist the cravings if they were not from him and that he did not feel like he was denying himself but fighting someone else.

What in God's name...?

Whatever works I suppose.
The beast ? I thought Desh's husband's method was a bit strange... and now Damo too....

I will have to ponder upon this a while.

Maybe I need a touch of schitzo ?
There is only one of me in my head....
sure not enough brainpower fo another entity.
The beast ? I thought Desh's husband's method was a bit strange... and now Damo too....

I will have to ponder upon this a while.

Maybe I need a touch of schitzo ?
There is only one of me in my head....
sure not enough brainpower fo another entity.
Talk to the addiction, because the brain just doesn't understand.
Those methods are for very creative people who possess great imaginations.

Not everyone can be as interesting as my hubby and Damo.

Damo would be as perfect as my hubby if we could just him to swing liberal.
I quit smoking this week, and I am using a crazy method.

Not smoking. I know it is difficult to believe, but I have managed to make it through the first few hellish days without imagining some sort of quasi-Satanic entity dwelling within my lungs.