R.I.P. Mal Moore


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Few people on here, outside the Alabama fans, will know who Mal Moore is.

He was on Bear Bryant's first team at UA in 1958. He was a player and assistant coach under Bryant during Bear's entire tenure at Alabama. He was also an assistant coach under Gene Stallings. He was the assistant athletic director for 5 years before being promoted to Athletic Director in 1999. He was instrumental in bring the athletic facilities up to a competitive level in all sports, but is most known for the improvements in the football facilities. In addition to his part in 10 national championships in football, his leadership as Athletic Director saw 3 national championships in other sports. But he will probably always be remembered as the man who hired Nick Saban.

I had to opportunity to meet him several times. He was always a gracious man and a class act.

R.I.P. Mal, and thank you for 50 years of service to the school you loved. Godspeed and tell Bear we said 'Hey'.