R U A Psychopath?


ButterMilk Man
Score yourself from 0 to 3, 0 means disagree that this you do, 3 means that this is you:

1) I rarely plan ahead, I am a spur of the moment kind of a person.

2) Cheating on your partner is fine so long as you dont get caught.

3) If something better comes along it is fine to cancel a long standing appointment

4) Seeing an animal injured or in pain does not bother me at all.

5) Driving fast cars, skydiving and rollercoasters appeal to me.

6) It does not bother me if I have to step on others to get what I want.

7) I am very persuasive, I have a talent for getting others to do what I want.

8) I would be good in a dangerous job because I can make my mind up fast.

9) I find it easy to keep myself together when others are cracking under the pressure.

10) If you are able to con someone they hey, that is their problem, they deserve it.

11) Most of the time when things go wrong it is someone elses fault not mine, dont blame me.


0-11 Low

12-17 Below Average

18-22 Average

23-28 High

29-33 Very High


I did not know that we were going to do scores, and people lie on JPP all the time so I dont know what value that holds, but this test and this episode I found very interesting. I now watch almost all of the Triggernometry interviews, but I cant stand their Raws. Also Konstantin is one of the few people in the West who understands Russia worth a damn.
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