Rachel Maddow - My IQ just went up 5 points


Will work for Scooby snacks
After years of channel surfing through the insipid wasteland of cable news punidtry - Hannity, Colmes, O'Reilly, Scarborough, Tweety, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck - my brain tonight got a total infusion of informed commentary and insightful and intelligent questioning.

High five to Rachel Maddow. I've been digging her radio show for years, and always knew she would kick @ss as a host of cable pundit show.

Honestly, she's a tad better than Olbermann. Although, I still think Olberman's special commentaries are the most righteous thing on the tube.

I don't know how the f*ck dudes like Tucker and Glenn Beck even get jobs on cable. I guess rightwing chimpanzees need entertainment too. But, if your a highbrow, spiced chai sipping Lib, check out Rachel's show. Peace out.
The best thing Rachel has going from her is she's from Castro Valley which is right next to Oakland. She is my age and my school smoked her ass. As a matter of fact probably turned her off to men seeing the men at her school getting smoked like they did.
The best thing Rachel has going from her is she's from Castro Valley which is right next to Oakland. She is my age and my school smoked her ass. As a matter of fact probably turned her off to men seeing the men at her school getting smoked like they did.

Darla, are you saying his step up in IQ was from Neaderthal to Cro-Magnon?
I like her a lot too actually. Kieth Olbermann frequently featured her on his show.

Uberman has a great eye for talent.
The best thing Rachel has going from her is she's from Castro Valley which is right next to Oakland. She is my age and my school smoked her ass. As a matter of fact probably turned her off to men seeing the men at her school getting smoked like they did.


What was on tap at the bar tonight? Guiness stout? Or Samuel Adams ale?