Racism FTW Ron Paul!



Ron Paul’s Newsletters Authored By Lew Rockwell
By Justin Gardner * Related entries in 2008 Election, 3rd Party, Libertarian, Ron Paul

First off, I know a lot of you Paulites have told me you’ve read what was printed in the newsletters and you don’t think it was all that bad. Well, fair enough. That’s your opinion and I respect your right to make it. Of course I completely disagree, but that’s neither here or there at this point because that’s not the issue that matters in all of this.

The important point is that Ron Paul has told all of you that some crazy staffer wrote it and was then dismissed after he found out. But how can that be when it’s becoming increasingly apparent that Lew Rockwell, long time business associate, friend and supporter, wrote the newsletters?

Last week, a statement was prepared by Ron Paul’s press secretary Jesse Benton, and approved by Ron Paul, acknowledging Lew Rockwell as having a role in the newsletters. The statement was squashed by campaign chairman Kent Snyder.

When this means, in short, is that Ron Paul is lying to you. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. He is lying to you.

Here’s what we now know:

1. He and the author (Lew Rockwell) have been friends for years. In fact, Paul lists Rockwell on his endorsement page.
2. Paul and his family received compensation for years from the subscriptions to the newsletters. Tax records prove this.
3. When originally confronted about the newsletters, he did not disavow them nor did he say he didn’t write them. It was only later that he said they had been ghost written.

Again, the conclusion is simple. The person who wrote these newsletters was not some insane staff member. It was Lew Rockwell. And if the Reason story I’ve linked to is to be believed, and there’s no reason not to, it appears as if the Paul campaign was about to confirm exactly that. But you know what happened then? Kent Snyder realized what that admission would do to Ron Paul’s credibility, given the many pieces of evidence I’ve cited here, and he backed off. It’s an understandable move, but woefully transparent.

Folks, this is a guy who has built his campaign and support around the idea of speaking truth to power. And yet it’s becoming apparent that his way to speak truth to power back in the 90s was by appealing to our society’s racist, bigoted tendencies. And by the way, I don’t care that the President of the Austin chapter of the NAACP said he didn’t think Paul was a racist. Again, whether or not he is racist isn’t the point. Paul profited from the publication of those newsletters and then lied about it. That’s inexcusable.

Again, to all his supporters, keep Paul’s message of freedom, but ditch Paul the messenger. In fact, you should disavow him immediately. Otherwise you’ll never gain political traction because your credibility will be as suspect as his.
Paul should have came out and said it was Rockwell. He seems more interested in the Mises institute than his presidential campain.
So, no comments on this?

I guess we've all come to our senses and understand that Paul is in fact a RACIST SOB even though he's a fiscal conservative. I know this must be hard for a lot of you, but don't worry in time, the political wounds will heal and you will move on.
I don't think he's racist, I think he's covering for Rockwell because of the Mises institute and doesn't want to tarnish Austrian Economics.
So, no comments on this?

I guess we've all come to our senses and understand that Paul is in fact a RACIST SOB even though he's a fiscal conservative. I know this must be hard for a lot of you, but don't worry in time, the political wounds will heal and you will move on.

You are an idiot T. Most of us came to the reality that he was to willing to solicit and/or associate with those that soilcit racists a week ago. Nobody has shown he is a racist.