Racism, fundamentalism, fear and propaganda:

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Thankfully this subspecies of a literally inbred population is dying off

An insider explains why rural, white Christian America will never change

The problem is rural America doesn’t understand itself and will NEVER listen to anyone outside their bubble. It doesn’t matter how “understanding” you are, how well you listen, what language you use…if you are viewed as an outsider, your views are automatically discounted. I’ve had hundreds of discussions with rural white Americans and whenever I present them any information that contradicts their entrenched beliefs, no matter how sound, how unquestionable, how obvious, they WILL NOT even entertain the possibility it might be true. Their refusal is a result of the nature of their fundamentalist belief system and the fact I’m the enemy because I’m an educated liberal.

At some point during the discussion, “That’s your education talking,”

Rural, Christian, white Americans have let in anti-intellectual, anti-science, bigoted, racists into their system as experts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, any of the blonde Stepford Wives on Fox, every evangelical preacher on television because they tell them what they want to hear and because they sell themselves as being “one of them.” The truth is none of these people give a rat’s ass about rural, Christian, white Americans except how can they exploit them for attention and money. None of them have anything in common with the people who have let them into their belief systems with the exception they are white and they “speak the same language” of white superiority, God’s will must be obeyed, and how, even though they are the Chosen Ones, they are the ones being screwed by all the people and groups they believe they are superior to.

Gays being allowed to marry are a threat. Blacks protesting the killing of their unarmed friends and family are a threat. Hispanics doing the cheap labor on their farms are somehow viewed a threat. The black president is a threat. Two billion Muslims are a threat. The Chinese are a threat. Women wanting to be autonomous are a threat. The college educated are a threat. Godless scientists are a threat. Everyone who isn’t just like them has been sold to them as a threat and they’ve bought it hook, line, and grifting sinker.
Thankfully this subspecies of a literally inbred population is dying off

An insider explains why rural, white Christian America will never change

The problem is rural America doesn’t understand itself and will NEVER listen to anyone outside their bubble. It doesn’t matter how “understanding” you are, how well you listen, what language you use…if you are viewed as an outsider, your views are automatically discounted. I’ve had hundreds of discussions with rural white Americans and whenever I present them any information that contradicts their entrenched beliefs, no matter how sound, how unquestionable, how obvious, they WILL NOT even entertain the possibility it might be true. Their refusal is a result of the nature of their fundamentalist belief system and the fact I’m the enemy because I’m an educated liberal.

At some point during the discussion, “That’s your education talking,”


Blacks keep having bastard children at an alarming rate. They're not dying off.

Do you know why blacks call each other brother and sister? They're are so many bastard running around that don't know their baby daddy they very well could be.
Thankfully this subspecies of a literally inbred population is dying off

An insider explains why rural, white Christian America will never change

The problem is rural America doesn’t understand itself and will NEVER listen to anyone outside their bubble. It doesn’t matter how “understanding” you are, how well you listen, what language you use…if you are viewed as an outsider, your views are automatically discounted. I’ve had hundreds of discussions with rural white Americans and whenever I present them any information that contradicts their entrenched beliefs, no matter how sound, how unquestionable, how obvious, they WILL NOT even entertain the possibility it might be true. Their refusal is a result of the nature of their fundamentalist belief system and the fact I’m the enemy because I’m an educated liberal.

At some point during the discussion, “That’s your education talking,”

Well as someone who grew up in rural America you haven’t described the people I know. Why shouldn’t they resent your arrogance? Don’t you think they have ideas and values you should listen too and thoughtfully consider? This may come as a surprise to you but rural Americans are as well educated as urban with a comparable percentage of college educated people. Maybe if you try to understand their views instead of judge them you might earn more respect from them.
Well as someone who grew up in rural America you haven’t described the people I know. Why shouldn’t they resent your arrogance? Don’t you think they have ideas and values you should listen too and thoughtfully consider? This may come as a surprise to you but rural Americans are as well educated as urban with a comparable percentage of college educated people. Maybe if you try to understand their views instead of judge them you might earn more respect from them.
I grew up there, too and you know they can also be a bigoted close minded group. You are both right about them. It is one reason I would never live in my home town, again.
Well as someone who grew up in rural America you haven’t described the people I know. Why shouldn’t they resent your arrogance? Don’t you think they have ideas and values you should listen too and thoughtfully consider? This may come as a surprise to you but rural Americans are as well educated as urban with a comparable percentage of college educated people. Maybe if you try to understand their views instead of judge them you might earn more respect from them.

Well said. At the end of the day we are all people and its amazing how much judging we do against other "groups". (I speak as one who is very guilty of it)
Well as someone who grew up in rural America you haven’t described the people I know. Why shouldn’t they resent your arrogance? Don’t you think they have ideas and values you should listen too and thoughtfully consider? This may come as a surprise to you but rural Americans are as well educated as urban with a comparable percentage of college educated people. Maybe if you try to understand their views instead of judge them you might earn more respect from them.

I love living in San Francisco but its amazing how many stories I've read about people who moved here (say from the Midwest) with this vision of an open minded free spirited place only to find out there is a lot of closed minded bigotry. So while it may be easy to pick on rural white Christians being an atheist urbanite doesn't mean you are any better of a person.