Racism in the news


New member
Racism is discussed pretty often, so I have created a thread where people can post examples of racism in the news. I mostly see allegations of racism, but rarely do I see news stories about real examples of racism where there really is a person who believes his race is superior to another. Can some of you post news stories that involve actual racism? Let's start with the most current stories first.
examples of racism where there really is a person who believes his race is superior to another

Of course you don't. You see examples of people who believe that other people are inferior. Start looking for that and you won't have to look far. And you won't have to pretend you're not a racist too. It's in most Americans so it's a lot easier looking for the few that aren't racists.
Of course you don't. You see examples of people who believe that other people are inferior. Start looking for that and you won't have to look far. And you won't have to pretend you're not a racist too. It's in most Americans so it's a lot easier looking for the few that aren't racists.

Ok then, you do not know of any examples of real racism to post. It's ok, somebody else should post an example before too long.
From what I have seen in other threads here, lefties don't actually know of any examples of racism. From what I can tell from this thread, lefties do not see racism in the news either. This is good news that nobody here knows of any racism and nobody has seen actual racism in the news. Lefties seem to be saying that racism is a myth!
No one can help in your eyesight ... if you can't see, then you can't see.

I now understand why your post did not include a racist in the news. It has been determined that lefties have been so busy trying to paint their political opponents as racist, they have lost their ability to recognize real racism. See the JPP thread where this was determined:


It was interesting watching the "Trump is not a racist" thread where no lefties on JPP were able to post a shred of evidence that Trump is a racist, but the real story is how lefties cannot recognize ANY actual racism anymore.
No one can help in your eyesight ... if you can't see, then you can't see.

My eyes see a broad source of news from all sides, and my eyes see what lefties post on this forum. My eyes have not seen any posts from lefties about real racism. My eyes have only encountered propaganda racism.
Based on all the examples of real racism in the news that lefties have posted here so far, there are no examples of real racism in the news these days. Boom! Make America Great Again!
Based on all the examples of real racism in the news that lefties have posted here so far, there are no examples of real racism in the news these days. Boom! Make America Great Again!

you racists see nothing as racism

its what makes you racists

we don't allow racists to define racism

that would be like letting child molesters define what child molestation is
you racists see nothing as racism

its what makes you racists

we don't allow racists to define racism

that would be like letting child molesters define what child molestation is

Still no examples of racism in the news. Go Trump!
Hate Crime in America, by the Numbers Here is an example: Even as far back as 1999 The FBI’s “Hate Crime Statistics” for 1999 show that 2,030 whites were arrested that year for “hate crimes” against blacks, compared to 524 blacks who were arrested and charged with a “hate crime” against whites.

Why would you post "statistics" on something on a thread requesting an "example" of something in the news? Why would you post stats on hate crime when the thread is asking for an example of real racism? Surely there are several examples of actual racists in the news, right? Somebody who claims one race is superior to another? Maybe somebody gave a speech or something about how one race is better than another?
Here is a special video that shows how lefties react when they encounter a thread that talks about what racism really is. The actress in the video below spends a few seconds in slow mode, which is what lefties do as they are reading a thread. The actress suddenly turns around and heads back out, which represents how lefties react when they realize that the thread gets into what racism really is.

I guess it is a good thing when there are no examples of racism in the news. There must not be a big racism problem if there are no examples of it posted.