Racism, not a lack of assimilation, is the real problem facing Latinos in America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Why should any non white person assimilate into an inferior savage white christian "Kulture"

Julián Castro, a Mexican-American, is running for president. Latin music is more popular than country music, and one of the most recognizable political faces in the United States is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., whose family comes from Puerto Rico.

And yet, Latinos — even those whose roots in this land stretch back to before the nation’s origins — still face overt and subtle racism and discrimination. Hate crimes against them are rising, and they are underrepresented in film, in high-tech jobs and in the federal government workforce. And when they advocate for equal treatment and representation — or even when they just speak Spanish in public — they hear over and over that they need to assimilate.

Sadly, this doesn't surprise me at all. Just look at some of the comments that are posted here in this forum.
Why should any non white person assimilate into an inferior savage white christian "Kulture"

Julián Castro, a Mexican-American, is running for president. Latin music is more popular than country music, and one of the most recognizable political faces in the United States is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., whose family comes from Puerto Rico.

And yet, Latinos — even those whose roots in this land stretch back to before the nation’s origins — still face overt and subtle racism and discrimination. Hate crimes against them are rising, and they are underrepresented in film, in high-tech jobs and in the federal government workforce. And when they advocate for equal treatment and representation — or even when they just speak Spanish in public — they hear over and over that they need to assimilate.


Thank you for posting the article link. I think they have done a disservice to "Latinos" by creating a headline that is so ignorant. Latino is not a race and many of them are just whites, yet we see this ridiculous headline portraying Latinos as victims of racism. There are actual victims of racism who have been targeted because of their race, but these kind of victims are losing the word "racism" because of crap headlines like the one in the article that you linked to. Shame on them for trying to steal the word "racism" from victims of racism. Latino is not a fucking race.
I doubt 'Latinos' feel there is 'racism'. In the Southwest they are part of the fabric of Americana. Most of the titled property there dates back to Spanish Land Grants.

Why should any non white person assimilate into an inferior savage white christian "Kulture"

Julián Castro, a Mexican-American, is running for president. Latin music is more popular than country music, and one of the most recognizable political faces in the United States is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., whose family comes from Puerto Rico.

And yet, Latinos — even those whose roots in this land stretch back to before the nation’s origins — still face overt and subtle racism and discrimination. Hate crimes against them are rising, and they are underrepresented in film, in high-tech jobs and in the federal government workforce. And when they advocate for equal treatment and representation — or even when they just speak Spanish in public — they hear over and over that they need to assimilate.
