Racist In Canada


Junior Member
How dare those Canuks oppose the Muslims beliefs.

>>Don't stone women to death, burn them or circumcise them, immigrants wishing to live in the town of Herouxville in Quebec, Canada, have been told.
The rules come in a new town council declaration on culture that Muslims have branded shocking and insulting.

Quebec is in the midst of a huge debate on integrating immigrant cultures.

Montreal police are investigating an officer who wrote a song called That's Enough Already, which says immigrants are undermining Quebec culture

Oh well, that is Canada, I am more concerned about our problems.
And yes integrating immigrants into a society is a challenge everywhere.
I'm going to bite on this one.

1. Teach them English.........to speak, read and write.

2. Educate them on how our government works. Inform them of traditions they have that might be against the law.....I don't know of any but it could happen.

3. Give them a certain amount of time to present evidence of having obtained a job with satisfactory income.

I don't know the answers. These are from the mind of a musing ol guy from the sticks. They probably aren't feasible but I am sticking with my #1.
i just loved the part where the liberal canadian supreme court stood up against the evil racists by ruling that sikh children can carry ceremonial daggers at school. those canuk supremes are just one righteous bunch of guys, aren't they?
Yes Leaning, I agree with all those and will go farther.
I believe English should be made the official language of the USA. that is not to say that we should not teach other languages. Just that it is the official language for the US government.
are you guys sure you're liberals? the democrats are going to ban you from the party if you keep talking like that!
Since I am not of a current "conservative" mind, conservatives consider me Liberal. and Demoncrats think since I am obviously not for Bush and his war I must be a liberal as well... such a pity that peoples minds are so limited in scope.
My legend says party of one.

As for leaning, he is a preacher, so he has to be a conservative, right ?