Racist members of JPP

I will call myself out. A year and a half ago I had two friends go out drinking with me. We came home drunk without any females. Anyhow I logged onto the site and they asked what I was doing. I told them about the site and my addiction. My two friends both happened to be black and so one of them took over the computer and posted on this site while dropping multiple n-bombs. Understandably the next day a few folks called me out said I was racist etc. Since none of us show our faces on this site when we post I couldn't really prove what happened. Nonetheless my black friend thought it was funny as hell. He said if you care what people online that you've never met think about you then you have issues.

Well I'm still here and although I love my boy to death f*ck him. Haha. So I call my screen name out for being most racist thanks to my boy.
I will call myself out. A year and a half ago I had two friends go out drinking with me. We came home drunk without any females. Anyhow I logged onto the site and they asked what I was doing. I told them about the site and my addiction. My two friends both happened to be black and so one of them took over the computer and posted on this site while dropping multiple n-bombs. Understandably the next day a few folks called me out said I was racist etc. Since none of us show our faces on this site when we post I couldn't really prove what happened. Nonetheless my black friend thought it was funny as hell. He said if you care what people online that you've never met think about you then you have issues.

Well I'm still here and although I love my boy to death f*ck him. Haha. So I call my screen name out for being most racist thanks to my boy.

You ain't even close, CA.
I don't like Jazz or Rap, does that make me racist? Musicist? Or does it just make me good-looking?
Prove it.

It has been shown over and over. You have everyone who is not like you. That includes gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, socio-economic level, and race. You have shown this to be true repeatedly.