Racists are the least educated

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
As projected here on these forums and the repetitive "liberals are this and that" and the continuous blaming of people who hold a particular political philosophy definitely displays a type of profound stupidity. I assume the likes of Big Money, Truth detector, and StormX aren't probably college educated, and if they are, I definitely want my money back from both of the Universities I've attended. But this thread isn't really about them, its mostly prompted by a co-worker of mine who like the above three in bold (and banned), have this stereotypical idea of various ethnic cultures and how they speak. For example, I notice this particular co-worker likes to make fun of Hispanic visitors, and although he himself is half-Latino himself, he tends to identify with "white culture." I noticed him making references and comments about African-American visitors and patients by referring to them as "ghetto blacks" and although I sweep those comments under the rug, it definitely bothers me that someone like him knowing the demographic population we encounter is continued to be bothered by something he himself chose to work in.

I mean, for fucks sake we work in Los Angeles County, we are a private hospital that serves a large Hispanic population that are mostly an illegal immigrant population, poor, no insurance, and monolingual (Spanish speaking only) yet he complains about the population and the type of people that come in and the attitudes they bring. Then it dawns on me, in that in every single racist person or those with prejudicial feelings, most are really uneducated. I recalled asking a fellow associate of mine long ago his educational background and apparently he is a junior college graduate BUT he was on academic probation twice because of his grades. He eventually passed with a 2.3 GPA with his associates degree. So I had an epiphany and lo' and behold! I remember an article my professor had sent me long ago concerning racism and education:

"Smart enough to know better: Intelligence is not a remedy for racism"

I remembered getting into a debate with another racist long ago who love to try to argue about so-called "black inferiority" using scientists and I remembered the article addressed that issue in the following:

"Smart people are just as racist as their less intelligent peers -- they're just better at concealing their prejudice, according to a University of Michigan study."

Now, I'm sure you guys are like me, pretty much tired of discussing this but I guess you can say it's only right to actually discuss this because as you can see we still have members on these forums that exhibit these behaviors and there are very few people (myself among them) that confront these individuals while others remain quiet. But no worries because the obvious idiots on these forums are very much present through their own ignorance and actually according to Psychological Science there appears to be a relationship between cognitive ability and prejudice:

"Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models."

See Reference: http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/01/04/0956797611421206.abstract

See Reference:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130811005342.htm
As projected here on these forums and the repetitive "liberals are this and that" and the continuous blaming of people who hold a particular political philosophy definitely displays a type of profound stupidity. I assume the likes of Big Money, Truth detector, and StormX aren't probably college educated, and if they are, I definitely want my money back from both of the Universities I've attended. But this thread isn't really about them, its mostly prompted by a co-worker of mine who like the above three in bold (and banned), have this stereotypical idea of various ethnic cultures and how they speak. For example, I notice this particular co-worker likes to make fun of Hispanic visitors, and although he himself is half-Latino himself, he tends to identify with "white culture." I noticed him making references and comments about African-American visitors and patients by referring to them as "ghetto blacks" and although I sweep those comments under the rug, it definitely bothers me that someone like him knowing the demographic population we encounter is continued to be bothered by something he himself chose to work in.

I mean, for fucks sake we work in Los Angeles County, we are a private hospital that serves a large Hispanic population that are mostly an illegal immigrant population, poor, no insurance, and monolingual (Spanish speaking only) yet he complains about the population and the type of people that come in and the attitudes they bring. Then it dawns on me, in that in every single racist person or those with prejudicial feelings, most are really uneducated. I recalled asking a fellow associate of mine long ago his educational background and apparently he is a junior college graduate BUT he was on academic probation twice because of his grades. He eventually passed with a 2.3 GPA with his associates degree. So I had an epiphany and lo' and behold! I remember an article my professor had sent me long ago concerning racism and education:

"Smart enough to know better: Intelligence is not a remedy for racism"

I remembered getting into a debate with another racist long ago who love to try to argue about so-called "black inferiority" using scientists and I remembered the article addressed that issue in the following:

"Smart people are just as racist as their less intelligent peers -- they're just better at concealing their prejudice, according to a University of Michigan study."

Now, I'm sure you guys are like me, pretty much tired of discussing this but I guess you can say it's only right to actually discuss this because as you can see we still have members on these forums that exhibit these behaviors and there are very few people (myself among them) that confront these individuals while others remain quiet. But no worries because the obvious idiots on these forums are very much present through their own ignorance and actually according to Psychological Science there appears to be a relationship between cognitive ability and prejudice:

"Despite their important implications for interpersonal behaviors and relations, cognitive abilities have been largely ignored as explanations of prejudice. We proposed and tested mediation models in which lower cognitive ability predicts greater prejudice, an effect mediated through the endorsement of right-wing ideologies (social conservatism, right-wing authoritarianism) and low levels of contact with out-groups. In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status. Our results suggest that cognitive abilities play a critical, albeit underappreciated, role in prejudice. Consequently, we recommend a heightened focus on cognitive ability in research on prejudice and a better integration of cognitive ability into prejudice models."

See Reference: http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/01/04/0956797611421206.abstract

See Reference:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130811005342.htm
OK....that explains Big Asshole, Truth Deflector and Racist X.....but how does it explain Cawacko? ;)
OK....that explains Big Asshole, Truth Deflector and Racist X.....but how does it explain Cawacko? ;)

Mott, you know I'm just an all around hater. And since Desh called me a racist last week for referencing the Chappelle Show I'll double down and say I'm a distance cousin of Silky Johnson, the player hater of the year winner for 2002. (Something is wrong with my computer and it won't let me attach pictures although it will let me attach gifs.) So I don't have a photo although all who have watched the Chappelle Show know who he is.
SD, Big Money is a troll. Before you came to this board he spent months posting as a liberal. Then he switched his stchick (sp?) up and started posting as a conservative. It's a free board and you can do what you like but I'd highly recommend putting him on IA. There is no redeeming value in talking to him.

As for the others people have confronted them in the past but the reality is what's that really going to do on an anonymous message board?
Mott, you know I'm just an all around hater. And since Desh called me a racist last week for referencing the Chappelle Show I'll double down and say I'm a distance cousin of Silky Johnson, the player hater of the year winner for 2002. (Something is wrong with my computer and it won't let me attach pictures although it will let me attach gifs.) So I don't have a photo although all who have watched the Chappelle Show know who he is.
Mott, you know I'm just an all around hater. And since Desh called me a racist last week for referencing the Chappelle Show I'll double down and say I'm a distance cousin of Silky Johnson, the player hater of the year winner for 2002. (Something is wrong with my computer and it won't let me attach pictures although it will let me attach gifs.) So I don't have a photo although all who have watched the Chappelle Show know who he is.
I love the Chappelle show. Dave still keeps a home in Yellow Springs I was bummed about the ending of his show on Comedy Central but when I heard of the circumstances...yea...I can understand....can you give up creative control and what you love doing for a shit done of money? Dave couldn't do it. More power to him for having that kind of integrity. I'd love to catch one of his live act. I think he's the best stand up comedian in the country.
I love the Chappelle show. Dave still keeps a home in Yellow Springs I was bummed about the ending of his show on Comedy Central but when I heard of the circumstances...yea...I can understand....can you give up creative control and what you love doing for a shit done of money? Dave couldn't do it. More power to him for having that kind of integrity. I'd love to catch one of his live act. I think he's the best stand up comedian in the country.

I actually wasn't familiar with the circumstances of his leaving. Creative control is what it was? $50 million is a lot to walk away from but yeah I can understand why creative control is so important.
SD, Big Money is a troll. Before you came to this board he spent months posting as a liberal. Then he switched his stchick (sp?) up and started posting as a conservative. It's a free board and you can do what you like but I'd highly recommend putting him on IA. There is no redeeming value in talking to him.

As for the others people have confronted them in the past but the reality is what's that really going to do on an anonymous message board?

I see your point. I guess I'm mostly one who believes that on a mature anonymous message board people even with divisive views can still be mature about it. There is nothing enjoyable about being on a forum full of racist assholes with nothing better to do than sit there and bicker about trivial shit. I know if I posted numerous articles from anthropological studies on humans or biology articles on how similar we are despite our different ethnic background these people wont care because their hatred is what comforts them.
I see your point. I guess I'm mostly one who believes that on a mature anonymous message board people even with divisive views can still be mature about it. There is nothing enjoyable about being on a forum full of racist assholes with nothing better to do than sit there and bicker about trivial shit. I know if I posted numerous articles from anthropological studies on humans or biology articles on how similar we are despite our different ethnic background these people wont care because their hatred is what comforts them.

My unasked for two cents, use the IA button. We all come to this board for different reasons but if you come for a diversion, a little fun and interesting discussion ignore those who make the board less fun for you. Just don't read their stuff.
But in all seriousness, I tend to think the ignorant ones who exhibit racist tendencies tend to be the loudest, obnoxious, and the most stupid.
My unasked for two cents, use the IA button. We all come to this board for different reasons but if you come for a diversion, a little fun and interesting discussion ignore those who make the board less fun for you. Just don't read their stuff.

To be honest I come here to kill time when I'm at work because usually around 8:30-9pm things are slow, but I guess my expectations of mature conversations are unrealistic. I just think that some people have cowardly motives to spew their racial hatred. A part of me thinks (no offense mods) that certain moderators may be in agreement with members who have those internal feelings yet they try to remain impartial to not appear "racist." What is funny is many racists know the word "racist" is an ugly term with a negative connotation and it seems dishonest racist do not want to be associated with the term.

Some feel that their racism is a type of unbiased truth because as they would imply through their words "See, look at them, that is how they act!" In a way, a slightly frustrating to read because automatically I'm lumped in a category with people I have never met in my life but because they're black and they act a certain type of way I guess I act like they do. It's not only an unfair association but it's irrational. Furthermore, if you look on Yahoo just find any article that talks about crime and the face of a black person you'll see nothing but racial hatred. Call them trolls if you will but the internet provides cover for people to express their disdain, and at the same time people have the audacity to say racism is not a factor because Obama is president. Hell, I think the fact that people intentionally call the President "Hussein" or "Muslim President" is not only expressing xenophobic attitudes but its also coded racist feelings.

I guess I have to take solace in the fact that the scientific community by and large understands that there really is no difference among human beings, and those difference that people see are arbitrary.
You could have just said that they tend to be liberals and saved yourself some typing.

Thanks for proving my point. What does a political philosophy have to do with the above? I identify as progressive-liberal and its progressive liberals that actually think as I do on this subject. I think any rational person regardless of your political party affiliation, or political ideology/philosophy would agree that racism is not only an irrational mindset its quite stupid.
Thanks for proving my point. What does a political philosophy have to do with the above? I identify as progressive-liberal and its progressive liberals that actually think as I do on this subject. I think any rational person regardless of your political party affiliation, or political ideology/philosophy would agree that racism is not only an irrational mindset its quite stupid.

And liberals are the ones who promote and keep racism alive. It's the bread and butter of their platform.
And liberals are the ones who promote and keep racism alive. It's the bread and butter of their platform.

Really cause last time I checked the Bible belt which is rife with conservatives tend to be the most racist and tend to keep racist tendencies alive. However I'm open-minded so you can prove me wrong in that department if you wish.
Really cause last time I checked the Bible belt which is rife with conservatives tend to be the most racist and tend to keep racist tendencies alive. However I'm open-minded so you can prove me wrong in that department if you wish.

And once again; this is only an opinion that you've formulated, with only a rudimentary understanding of how people in the Bible Belt feel.
Just as you've made comments before, with just the barest of knowledge.