Radical Canadian Officials Cheaply Slander and Condemn German MP Champion Christine A

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Radical Canadian Officials Cheaply Slander and Condemn German MP Champion Christine Anderson

First of all, if all they base their claim of racist on Christine Anderson as being anti muslim invasion then it is clearly a cheap and pathetic lie because muslim is not a racial variation of human. Sadly different variations of human stoop to following islam like Black racial variation of human, Arab variation of human, White variation etc. Being against a sick ideology / any religion is not racist, it is logical and very caring to stand against such rubbish especially after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually exposed foundations of filthy religious lies.

Secondly to do with Afghanistan, let's not forget Stephen Harper sent troop to Afghanistan under the guise of fighting for democracy while the country was instead islamized then handed over to muslim radicals by Biden.

It is always the same where muslims invade. They claim to not all be radicals as the moderates are used to populate a country under guise of freedom of religion. As the muslim population rise so do the violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam as the WEF conspire with useful idiots to hide these violent hate crimes from the public so they can keep loading the country with more muslims while keeping citizens unaware as possible of a very real threat. Any act against muslims gets thrust on the media to perpetuate the lie islamaphobe when a phobia is an irrational fear of which a rational concern is not a phobia or an irrational fear. Meanwhile the so called moderate muslims remain silent to not be labelled as speaking against islam by the radicals committing the violent acts. When muslim populations become the majority, minorities no longer have rights and all of the bleeding heart rhetoric goes out the window as whomever is left is forced to join islam under threat of death or work like a slave for muslims paying taxes for not following islam or are killed unless unite and fight if it first can't be stopped along the way by first being aware.

They also slander Christine as and anti vaxxer in lieu of the recent so called pandemic of which there is no vaccine and proof of this is that the CDC removed the definition of vaccine on Sept. 10 2021 and replaced it with lies then continued to call their rubbish vaccines so big pharma could make a killing while useful idiots signed papers that not only paid them billions at tax payers expense but apparently dismissed big pharma from liability that their rubbish, that is clearly not even a vaccine, damaged or killed the population. Let's not forget that the shady government gave out jabs and anyone who died for those jabs were counted as what they called unvaccinated death because the garbage injected into their veins wasn't in the body for 14 days thus trying to hide deaths by jab. Sick bunch of WEF sock puppets indeed with the nerve to attempt to criticize decent people from around the world opposing such rubbish that the WEF agenda for example represents is insanity presented from our very own federal officials, you know the same one's who have loaded the country with more people than there are houses, go along with the WEF climate change lies to take away many jobs so you can't pay your rent or mortgage and are left homeless while immigrants and illegal invaders move into your home. Where else are these so called immigrants and illegal invaders suppose to go, but to replace you in your home. Not even 30% of the Earth’s surface area is land. 10 percent of that land is occupied by humans which means that 3% of the worlds surface area is occupied by humans. WEF scum bags can’t even prove that humans raise the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere 0.000001 degree yet they keep right on lying to the public with their weak and pathetic divide, conquer and depopulate with their climate change rhetoric agenda. They belong in prison and their assets etc. given back to the countries they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades. You like your job, they seek to take it away with their green energy death trap agenda and climate change lies while they load your country with illegals and other immigrants even though your country has more people than homes because they are striving for you to lose your job, can’t pay your rent or mortgage and be replaced over the guise of as lie they call a crisis. WEF climate change agenda = you die over their lies under the guise of for the environment.

This further reveals Pierre Poilievre as controlled opposition for condemning his MP's meeting with someone who can verify what the WEF tries to hide from citizens from country to country. What else but a WEF useful idiot would do such a thing along with the other radicals who attempted to condemn Christine?! Oh screw Canadian citizens, MP Pierre wants the muslim votes and is willing to obviously throw us all under the bus to get it as he is also willing to keep bringing in muslim migrants to replace us when there are already more people in Canada than there are homes which is a valid reason for all of Canada to stand against immigration while closing the borders and the radicals in office on the federal level selling us out to the WEF sick and filthy divide and conquer western civilization agenda while replacing those citizens with illegals and so called immigrants need to be ejected from federal office for the well being and safety of Canadian citizens.

I think it's time for me to address the Russia / Ukraine war is looking more and more about the WEF depopulating white people based countries and since Putin wouldn't allow their sick agenda I suspect he was cornered into instead start a war to depopulate while the WEF useful idiots positioned in Western civs are focused on making him suffer for refusing to replace his people with WEF lies and deceptions because he sees how such sick narratives degrade western civs. and would rather fight a war than subject his people to such sick and disgusting behavior that the WEF and it's sick narrative represents.

To champion MP from Germany Christine Anderson, it is a pleasure and an honour to have you visit Canada and I speak for the silent majority of Canadians, not the few who betray Canadians from office along with their bias and garbage main stream media idiots and slew of WEF lies and deceptions while trying to make their sick and filthy rubbish look like an even acceptable Canadian view. Such officials and such media are the current shame of Canada, not amazing visitors like you or those who seek to spend time with you. Freedom vs our officials of Canada lies, deceptions and attempts at oppression is the gist Canadians face as we are targeted to be replaced from right under our very own noses as I am confident you are aware. They are the shame of Canada and when a champ like you comes around they feel intimidated and seek to try and intimidate Canadians by slandering you with more of their lies and deceptions so they can try to continue to silently kill Canadians off with the over population climate change lose your job back stab upon the citizens of Canada.

Oh and sad to see Merkel screwed you into eventually having to reopen coal mines when their WEF green energy death trap has proven to be a miserable failure in Germany.



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Even before what they call the holocaust, Jews were evicted from almost everywhere throughout Europe and in the middle East etc. including where they call Israel twice because their lies always lead to war and divide. After hundreds of years of this happening to them, you think they would be smart enough to learn but they are obviously way to dumb, ignorant, greedy and selfish while trying to blame everyone else for where their sick behavior has lead them for hundreds of years. Here they are now acting like what they call the holocaust was anything new. I mean Germany was nice enough to offer them refuge from the muslims slaughtering them but when the Germans got fed up with them and tried to pass them off on other countries and no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers (I think it obvious due to their history why no one else wanted them) so began the holocaust until if I recall the USA stepped up and gave them back what they call Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Somehow the USA wound up on the hook giving them billions over and over again over the years for decades now and what did the USA ever get back for it is what I wonder ... USA = Jewish slaves?! Funny enough all of the countries that refused to take them are now under attack by the globalist divide and conquer narrative on a much larger scale than the holocaust known as Western civilizations.

The anti-semitism scam:

OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.

Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people (let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.

One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.

Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you to evade you from placing blame on religious low life scum bags where it belongs and try and make you out to be the bad guy for exposing their sick behaviour while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.

The Jewish antisemistism get out of jail free card has expired / soon to expire because it is now exploited.

No more of their sick behavior and when people get fed up with their sick behavior they claim the antisemitism card to deflect from their sick behavior and try and make anyone justly infuriated with them as the problem. So much like the religious, their sick and filthy religious factually proven foundations have lead to war and divide for thousands of years yet these days religious scum carry on like their sick behavior pissing people off is the people they piss off with their sick behavior as the problem.

If you are religious, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

So now jewish sickos (from what I have seen is what the WEF primarily consists of) are attempting the slaughter and replacement of western civilizations with cheap and pathetic lies and deceptions while they use the main stream media to threaten politicians to back off of fighting their rhetoric in several countries simultaneously, use their trillions to threaten big tech to remove / ban people exposing WEF lies and deceptions, while using main stream media outlets to peddle their lies and deceptions with a list of what these media outlets can or can not say, to kill off citizens of western civilizations which makes the holocaust look like a needle in a haystack and all because they pull their Jewish religious crap over centuries on many places and when people get sick of their crap and evict them so many times over history until it happened again in Germany they think they can use that their sick and filthy religious lies leading to war and divide happening again in Germany and no western civilization would take them in such mass numbers because everyone knew the crap they pull obviously, they seem to think that where their sick and filthy religious lies have proven to lead over the centuries is reason to blame everyone else for where their sick and filthy religious lies lead to get away with it by the guise of their anti semitism rhetoric.

They belong in prison and their assets etc given back to the countries they have been using their useful idiots to steal from for decades. These are quite obviously thieves, compulsive obsessive liars and sociopaths with easily baited sick puppet hate groups like LGBT, BLM, Antifa used to divide and conquer while seeing that they get away with it so they stick to the same cheap and pathetic tactics like they do with this climate change lie. They have no validity so what do they do, they remove definitions of words and terms from dictionaries etc and act like that gives sick and pathetic liars validity. The WEF are primarily Jewish scum!

I am anti every religion because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies which have already lead thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day. If you are religious of any religion you should be ashamed of yourself. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.

So if you have a WEF useful idiot in governing power assisting with killing you by using WEF lies and deceptions like their climate change rhetoric, and they are not about to throw themselves in prison for betraying you with lies and deceptions then perhaps time has come to get rid of them by any means necessary because otherwise soon it will be too late if you are all out on the street in poverty starving and fighting one another for scraps of food. I do not advocate violence but if it is to save the lives of billions of people perhaps it is time to take that into consideration. I'd prefer to see them thrown in jail and their assets given back to the country the useful idiot betray while they rot in prison however since they want to kill you then they obviously wish such upon themselves hence the risk they take of perusing such tyranny.

They want to kill you is obvious. Think, for those of you with money now and are the few that are left alive by this time, if they want to remove your gas, oil etc. and leave you with electric running off of unreliable wind turbines and solar panels you will only have power some of the time if lucky. You won't be able to travel because electric cars take way too much power and run way too short in longevity and their emissions are way more than gas is what I have been seeing and hearing on the news lately which proves that them pushing for electric cars goes against their own global warming lies. You are being fed lies to be cornered to rely only on electric under the guise of saving the environment which such a guise is a lie. Without gas stoves and heating and the power goes out you will likely die in winter unless you try fire of which are likely to burn your house down etc. The WEF climate change / global warming lie is a scam they use to rob you of your lives so wake up people and all because religious low life scum bags want to shift the blame of them taking responsibility of where their sick and filthy lies has proven to lead them time and time again over centuries to it is everyone else's fault that their sick and filthy lies lead to war and divide and that they value such lies more than they value human life hence what it means to be religious.

We are all human, religion divides you. Wake up!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!