1) Money is a construct
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore
3) Racialism is now acceptable
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen
5) Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children
6) Hypocrisy is passé. Virtue-signaling is alive
7) Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness is preferable to ending it
8) McCarthyism is good
9) Ignorance is preferable to knowledge
10) Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity itself
Victor Davis Hanson missed two:
11) Lying is fine so long as it gets one what they want
12) Following rules is for chumps, make others do as you demand
2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore
3) Racialism is now acceptable
4) The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen
5) Most Americans should be treated as we would treat little children
6) Hypocrisy is passé. Virtue-signaling is alive
7) Ignoring or perpetuating homelessness is preferable to ending it
8) McCarthyism is good
9) Ignorance is preferable to knowledge
10) Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity itself
Victor Davis Hanson missed two:
11) Lying is fine so long as it gets one what they want
12) Following rules is for chumps, make others do as you demand