Raising taxes in Conn to support the trailer dems


Junior Member
This state is such BS its not even funny

first off we pay more in taxes than any other state...

Gov. M. Jodi Rell is seeking state income and cigarette tax increases to help fund a $3.4 billion increase in education spending over the next five years.


first off why are we paying more in education?? teachers are already paid the highest here over any other state.
The $35.8 billion two-year tax and spending plan Rell unveiled on Wednesday call for increasing the personal income tax rate as much as half a percent over two years. The maximum 5 percent rate would climb to 5.25 percent in the first year and to 5.5 percent in the second. The increase would be smaller for people in lower tax brackets.

of course it would be lower for those in lower tax brakets, we wouldn't want them to have to get a job or anything...

Trailer dems should be able to stay home all day shoot up their drugs and smoke crack and pop out kids all day and not have to worry about work or paying taxes or anything like that.

Though she does sock it to the trailer dems too

Rell also wants to increase the cigarette tax from $1.51 to $2 per pack, a move expected to raise $86.4 million next fiscal year and $82.8 million the year after that

since most poor people smoke i guess thats not too bad


The governor cited an increase in the costs of running state government for the tax increases. Despite a $500 million budget surplus this year, Rell said the cost of running state government for the next fiscal year -- before adding new spending measures -- will increase to more than $800 million


WHAT About fixing the roads, relieving the congestion, lower taxes i mean fuck people here already pay so fuckin much its not even funny.... people are leaving like its their job, why not cut welfare, or cut other stuff

no one gets a pension anymore why are we funding a teachers pension??

you can always move. Conn. Love it or leave it!

The repubs used to tell me a variation of this back before Bush fell down.
"first off we pay more in taxes than any other state..."

Ummmm.... as far as state income tax rates... you aren't even close to being the highest. That award goes to CA, OR and HI
Its the pensions. I don't think we should fund pensions anymore either. I could live with Cash Balance Plans, but if the benefits aren't comparable to what people are getting in the market, they should be adjusted. Period. You're literally taking away from people in the private sectors retirement funds to fund state workers. Jersey is similar. And teachers still strike like its there job. They don't pay for medical, they have summers, the week of Christmas, and spring break and EVERY freaking holiday off in between yet they still act like they are martyrs. Not only that, every freakin' year they want more money to build stuff. Its annoying.
I don't think we should build any more "stuff" untill we prove we can afford to maintain what we already have.
Rob... 29 States and DC have higher state income tax rates than CT.

I don't live in those other states do i??

I'm just saying that CT is the highest taxed state in the union and thats a fact. and now they want more taxes from us... taking more of our money while giving trailer dems the break.
Rob, you can always move to a hell hole like Mississipi or Alabama.


whats your point, i could always move to NYC and San Francsico too... the point is that i can't really b/c well i could but wouldn't because i don't know anybody... do you think people really 'choose' to live where they live??

I don't.

whats your point, i could always move to NYC and San Francsico too... the point is that i can't really b/c well i could but wouldn't because i don't know anybody... do you think people really 'choose' to live where they live??

I don't.

I wholeheartedly disagree - I moved to Paris and I didn't know anyone there when I lived there. Had I found a job there, I wouldn't have thought twice about staying either. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I wouldn't think twice about going to live in Europe forever. Even if it were a city where I had no connections.

whats your point, i could always move to NYC and San Francsico too... the point is that i can't really b/c well i could but wouldn't because i don't know anybody... do you think people really 'choose' to live where they live??

I don't.

I choose to live where I do. And love it.

You guys can keep the big over-urbanized areas and pay for em too :rolleyes: