Rant - The system sucks


Worst gambler ever
Hello friends and adversaries.

I am going to go into a little tale here about how institutionalized banks and the government fuck the little guy who wants to go into business. Fuck them.

I'm an average earner, making a little above the median for my state, but that's just enough for me to rent a room from an angry couple and live here with access to a kitchen, toilet, shower and trash can. I'm not rich.

Recently I was able to secure a private party loan to purchase and stock a vending business. Now, for this type of business apparently you have to have a different type of account because the revenue is wired into the bank account. So I go to the bank to open the account, and there is "Patriot"act shit I have to comply with. Patriot? Fuck them. I had to give them a mountain of paperwork that had to go through their compliance department, then they asked for more, and then more, and then they declined the account. So I go to another bank, and do the same thing. This account gets approved, but they charge $500 to open the account and $100 a month to maintain it. Fine, okay, its worth it but I don't have to like it.

Then, as I'm working on my approval process for the big mainland bank that processes this shit, and the bigger megalo bank behind that bank, I have to get background checks, credit inquiries, everything but a fucking colonoscopy. So I get that approved, my asshole hurts and then I go to start turning over the machines. But then, the wonderful, omnipotent Experian has decided that nobody can look at my credit (which is very good) because they're trying to protect me! The fuck is good credit worth if nobody can see it?!!!

So to sum up, we get attacked, the government makes it harder for people to go into business, the banks make it ever harder than that and me, the little guy, pays for all this bullshit through the nose becauase I'm trying to cut out a piece for myself.

And I have a regular job that they take money from. I feel like you have to be out of your fucking tree to start a business in this country.

Then you have the big government liberals sucking on Uncle Sam's tit and justifying why we need to waste more money in every corner unfound, and the big government "conservatives" like Dixie explaining why we need more military spending and who cannot see the forest for the trees.

You're all idiots. IDIOTS!

Try starting a business and then tell me how fucking great the system is you ASSHOLE!

Love you guys. Carry on.
Yeah. Still here. Love Hawaii man, but the politics are a nightmare.

I wont go off on a rant about the Patriot Act... but I deal with that bullshit every single fucking day. Every one who opens an account with me goes through a background check which includes being run through the super duper terrorists data base. Add in all the data that we are now required to get on each client and it sounds very similar to your experience.
I wont go off on a rant about the Patriot Act... but I deal with that bullshit every single fucking day. Every one who opens an account with me goes through a background check which includes being run through the super duper terrorists data base. Add in all the data that we are now required to get on each client and it sounds very similar to your experience.

You're just a cog in the wheel??!!?!?! I BLAME YOOOOUUUUUUU! Prepare for the HAMMAH!
I hear starting up a small business is one of the most difficult processes to go through in this country. The government actually does a better job of hindering entrepreneurs than it does terrorists, human traffickers, illegal immigrants, etc.
Since so many are complaining about how difficult this is; can you explain why a friend of mine was able to open his first tattoo shop, in 2010, and just opened his 3rd shop?
Plus he did this, during a time when other shops were failing and closing their doors.

By the way, he doesn't even know how to tattoo or draw.

good to see you posting.

Hey if going into business was easy there would be no workers.

Vending huh?

always in need.

Best of luck.

its tuff but it sounds like you are getting there.
Hello friends and adversaries.

I am going to go into a little tale here about how institutionalized banks and the government fuck the little guy who wants to go into business. Fuck them.

I'm an average earner, making a little above the median for my state, but that's just enough for me to rent a room from an angry couple and live here with access to a kitchen, toilet, shower and trash can. I'm not rich.

Recently I was able to secure a private party loan to purchase and stock a vending business. Now, for this type of business apparently you have to have a different type of account because the revenue is wired into the bank account. So I go to the bank to open the account, and there is "Patriot"act shit I have to comply with. Patriot? Fuck them. I had to give them a mountain of paperwork that had to go through their compliance department, then they asked for more, and then more, and then they declined the account. So I go to another bank, and do the same thing. This account gets approved, but they charge $500 to open the account and $100 a month to maintain it. Fine, okay, its worth it but I don't have to like it.

Then, as I'm working on my approval process for the big mainland bank that processes this shit, and the bigger megalo bank behind that bank, I have to get background checks, credit inquiries, everything but a fucking colonoscopy. So I get that approved, my asshole hurts and then I go to start turning over the machines. But then, the wonderful, omnipotent Experian has decided that nobody can look at my credit (which is very good) because they're trying to protect me! The fuck is good credit worth if nobody can see it?!!!

So to sum up, we get attacked, the government makes it harder for people to go into business, the banks make it ever harder than that and me, the little guy, pays for all this bullshit through the nose becauase I'm trying to cut out a piece for myself.

And I have a regular job that they take money from. I feel like you have to be out of your fucking tree to start a business in this country.

Then you have the big government liberals sucking on Uncle Sam's tit and justifying why we need to waste more money in every corner unfound, and the big government "conservatives" like Dixie explaining why we need more military spending and who cannot see the forest for the trees.

You're all idiots. IDIOTS!

Try starting a business and then tell me how fucking great the system is you ASSHOLE!

Love you guys. Carry on.
....and the crowd chants "Beefy! Beefy! Beefy!"

Wow....that was almost a Dixie caliber rant Beefy.
I wont go off on a rant about the Patriot Act... but I deal with that bullshit every single fucking day. Every one who opens an account with me goes through a background check which includes being run through the super duper terrorists data base. Add in all the data that we are now required to get on each client and it sounds very similar to your experience.
Yea, we have to deal with Patriot Act shit and DHS with Chemical plant security issues. It's a giant pain in the ass. Having said that, they don't want a guy like you funneling money to a guy like me that could use it to make a chemical terror weapon. That's not such a bad idea.

IT's a serious concern that some financial type like you could funnel money to some nut to purchase precursor chemicals.

I mean think about that damage to society that could be cause if that money allowed Dixie to buy a ton of ammonium nitrate or Failius a cylinder of phosgene gas or if it bought Watermark a plastic spoon. Think of the damage that could be done!
Since so many are complaining about how difficult this is; can you explain why a friend of mine was able to open his first tattoo shop, in 2010, and just opened his 3rd shop?
Plus he did this, during a time when other shops were failing and closing their doors.

By the way, he doesn't even know how to tattoo or draw.

It's because this "friend" of yours lives inside your head and he's totally imaginary.
Used to be a lot easier to start a business without doubt. Easier to tax employees than business owners.
Since so many are complaining about how difficult this is; can you explain why a friend of mine was able to open his first tattoo shop, in 2010, and just opened his 3rd shop?
Plus he did this, during a time when other shops were failing and closing their doors.

By the way, he doesn't even know how to tattoo or draw.

Sounds like your friend has good business sense. But being successful in business requires hard work, luck and the ability to overcome obstacles put in place by a bloated, fat whore of a government, the most gigantic, self regulating hog in the world. That fact that your friend has found success hardly means that it is easy to open a business in this country. You wouldn't believe the shit I've gone through until you try to open up my kind of business.


good to see you posting.

Hey if going into business was easy there would be no workers.

Vending huh?

always in need.

Best of luck.

its tuff but it sounds like you are getting there.

Vending, yes. More specifically ATM machines. I own a route of 18 of them at shrimp shacks, convenience stores and outside massage parlors. They are afraid of money laundering so starting the bank account and getting approval is a disaster. Every financial record I have has been scrutinized. And if I ever had a drug conviction or financial fraud conviction, I couldn't get into this business, which is fair enough, but I had to show everything to 5 different institutions to get clearance to even be able to apply for the account. A gigantic, bureaucratic mess from the get go that flat shows how inefficient the banking/regulatory system is. And what hoops you have to go through in an attempt to provide this service. A bad joke. Months of repeating the same process for different legs of the system before I could even begin. Good to see you shrubbie.

shaka bra.... hang in there. which island are you on?

Whaaaaazap! Maineman, I'm on oahu, living in a little place in the jungle above downtown, growing mad cucumber, tomatoes, water melon, basil.... Things are good for now. How you been?

....and the crowd chants "Beefy! Beefy! Beefy!"

Wow....that was almost a Dixie caliber rant Beefy.

Nah, if it was Dixie caliber I would have defended all things republican and claimed that W was the most awesomest person ever, and that I will support everything my party tells me to and then give you some horrifying, indefensible math information and stand by it, while denying I ever said it in the same sentence.
Sounds like your friend has good business sense. But being successful in business requires hard work, luck and the ability to overcome obstacles put in place by a bloated, fat whore of a government, the most gigantic, self regulating hog in the world. That fact that your friend has found success hardly means that it is easy to open a business in this country. You wouldn't believe the shit I've gone through until you try to open up my kind of business.

He's run into all kind of obstacles, mostly at the State level; but the trick is, is to not let the bastards win.
If some government minion says the law says this or that, don't take their word for it.
Look it up.

He's was fighting an attempt by the State and it took him two years.
Did they get everything they wanted to accomplish, NO.
Did he get the outcome he wanted, NO.
But they won't be trying to do this again, with him, and he's OK with the final result.

His goal was to change the way tattoo shops operated and they way they were perceived.
He's tried ways of advertising that shops weren't doing, he throws events with specials, he makes it fun.
And it's worked.

He sunk his entire retirement fund into this and it was all or nothing.
So yes, he does work long hours; but he stays on top of doing new things to get his business name out there.

The good thing is he lets me help at his events.
I check entrance tickets, I help with security, and I'm there to support him.
He runs new ideas past me, for my opinion; because my scepticism (devil's advocate) helps him look at both sides of what may happen, but one of my goals is to help him be successful.

What's funny is when he was trying to open his first shop; the first places he looked into, that city wouldn't give him a permit, because they were afraid of what kind of societal dredges would be hanging around his shop.
So he went just down the road, to another city (they butt up against each other), and got his permit.
The funny part is the first two locations that he looked into and was denied, by that city, eventually became Smoke Shops and there's been nothing but trouble at both places.
One of them finally closed.

His first shop has tattooed on most of that city's PD and FD members and even though we're connected to the Biker community; there's never been any problems and the Police have never responded saying that there was a complaint.

One night we were leaving the shop late (3 am) and a local cop, who had just gotten off duty, was driving by, saw us, and stopped to talk about coming in.
We didn't finish talking to him, until 4.

Bottom line is; nobody gave him anything, he's on top of what he needs to do, he's promoted his business name, and he wasn't afraid to try to do new things.

So all the liberals who want to complain about how opportunities aren't available to EVERYONE, need to refigure out the work ethics of some people.

As to your post - yep the man can be a pain.
He's run into all kind of obstacles, mostly at the State level; but the trick is, is to not let the bastards win.
If some government minion says the law says this or that, don't take their word for it.
Look it up.

He's was fighting an attempt by the State and it took him two years.
Did they get everything they wanted to accomplish, NO.
Did he get the outcome he wanted, NO.
But they won't be trying to do this again, with him, and he's OK with the final result.

His goal was to change the way tattoo shops operated and they way they were perceived.
He's tried ways of advertising that shops weren't doing, he throws events with specials, he makes it fun.
And it's worked.

He sunk his entire retirement fund into this and it was all or nothing.
So yes, he does work long hours; but he stays on top of doing new things to get his business name out there.

The good thing is he lets me help at his events.
I check entrance tickets, I help with security, and I'm there to support him.
He runs new ideas past me, for my opinion; because my scepticism (devil's advocate) helps him look at both sides of what may happen, but one of my goals is to help him be successful.

What's funny is when he was trying to open his first shop; the first places he looked into, that city wouldn't give him a permit, because they were afraid of what kind of societal dredges would be hanging around his shop.
So he went just down the road, to another city (they butt up against each other), and got his permit.
The funny part is the first two locations that he looked into and was denied, by that city, eventually became Smoke Shops and there's been nothing but trouble at both places.
One of them finally closed.

His first shop has tattooed on most of that city's PD and FD members and even though we're connected to the Biker community; there's never been any problems and the Police have never responded saying that there was a complaint.

One night we were leaving the shop late (3 am) and a local cop, who had just gotten off duty, was driving by, saw us, and stopped to talk about coming in.
We didn't finish talking to him, until 4.

Bottom line is; nobody gave him anything, he's on top of what he needs to do, he's promoted his business name, and he wasn't afraid to try to do new things.

So all the liberals who want to complain about how opportunities aren't available to EVERYONE, need to refigure out the work ethics of some people.

As to your post - yep the man can be a pain.

Good for him man. That's the shit I'm talking about. I'm all in too. Its this business or bust for real. If this thing sinks, I sink. My life savings and a significant loan... If it sinks, my life starts from the ground up again with shit credit and a reset everywhere else ay 37. Its scary and exciting at the same time. And like your friend, I find it positively amazing at how government makes it difficult, fights you and tries to create obstacles to starting a business, and the laws are now intertwined with banking. Fuck the banking system, they are no more than a tool of government.

I cannot believe what shit I had to go to get the bank account from a "private" bank. They're nothing but puppets, terrified of allowing money to flow through them that isn't eyed under a microscope. This is federal Reserve shit too. Its crazy. I just wanted to go into business, and 50 years ago I could have done it simply, but today, half your energy has to go towards paperwork. And trying to do that while keeping a regular job to hedge my bets? Damn near impossible before I even bought 1 machine. I got lucky a few times, I'll admit it, but if I had missed an apostrophe here or there, who knows? I worked my balls off and I still am even though I won't see a dime from this thing for years with the debt and all. I sometimes think I must be nuts to even bother.

Its not easy, and I think the way it works keeps a lot of people from following through because it seems like an endless, overwhelming nightmare.
Good for him man. That's the shit I'm talking about. I'm all in too. Its this business or bust for real. If this thing sinks, I sink. My life savings and a significant loan... If it sinks, my life starts from the ground up again with shit credit and a reset everywhere else ay 37. Its scary and exciting at the same time. And like your friend, I find it positively amazing at how government makes it difficult, fights you and tries to create obstacles to starting a business, and the laws are now intertwined with banking. Fuck the banking system, they are no more than a tool of government.

I cannot believe what shit I had to go to get the bank account from a "private" bank. They're nothing but puppets, terrified of allowing money to flow through them that isn't eyed under a microscope. This is federal Reserve shit too. Its crazy. I just wanted to go into business, and 50 years ago I could have done it simply, but today, half your energy has to go towards paperwork. And trying to do that while keeping a regular job to hedge my bets? Damn near impossible before I even bought 1 machine. I got lucky a few times, I'll admit it, but if I had missed an apostrophe here or there, who knows? I worked my balls off and I still am even though I won't see a dime from this thing for years with the debt and all. I sometimes think I must be nuts to even bother.

Its not easy, and I think the way it works keeps a lot of people from following through because it seems like an endless, overwhelming nightmare.

Good luck and stay strong.