Rape: Its Funny

Is rape funny?

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Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
For those that think rape is funny, here is your thread and chance to tell us how you feel...how you really feel....come on now...
Clearly, spurt, you are a man of taste, who finds nothing funny about rape. I usually don't laugh at the things I masturbate too as well.
rape has a context.....:pke:
Well, I'm sure there is a joke or two about it.

I find it at least a little funny when a convicted rapist gets a room with a prison roommate that is both larger and more violent than they are and who is on the search for a new beeyotch. Nothing more satisfying than instant karma returns.
The only time I find it funny is when someone starts up a shovefest, during which someone gets grapped from behind and shouts out "Rrrrraaaaapppppeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!" Gets me everytime.
I think I remember some joke about a Gorilla and Janet Reno or some such thing that was all the rage with the cons a few years back.
If it involves Rush Limbaugh raping you, then yes, I'd have to say its hilarious.