Rape Machines


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Every young girl should know “Never get in a car with a stranger —— or a male friend.” Once a “friend” has her alone in a car he can do whatever he wants knowing his victim will be too ashamed to report the rape. Any girl that gets in a car with more than one male is setting herself for a rape or worse.

The most under reported rape cases are taxicab drivers raping women passengers. I suspect that it has gotten worse in recent years with all of those immigrants from Third World countries being hired by taxicab companies.

NOTE: Democrats are close to getting background checks on lawful-abiding American gun owners. Those same Democrats would scream “racism” if a taxicab company did thorough background checks on perspective applicants before they hand a rapist the keys to a rape machine on wheels.

Many years ago a San Francisco cop told me that no adult woman should ever get in a taxi when she is alone. That is good advice for Uber.



More so, since supposedly sharing a ride with strangers in Uber vehicles offers women a false sense of security.

To attorneys who specialize in assault cases against rideshare companies, it’s evidence that Uber isn’t taking riders’ safety seriously.

In numerous cases against rideshare companies, Bomberger said he’s seen drivers return to work after a report of assault. Requiring subpoenas can slow down detectives building cases, he said, and victims are often in the dark about whether or not the company has taken action against drivers.

“They’re victimized first by the driver, and they’re victimized by the company afterward,” he said.

She Reported Being Assaulted By Her Uber Driver. He Was Allowed Back On The Road.
Claudia Koerner BuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 16, 2019, at 3:14 p.m. ET
