Rasmussen poll shows Paul tied in dead heat with Huckabee in NH at 11%



The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in New Hampshire shows John McCain earning 32% of the vote while Mitt Romney attracts 30%.

The survey was conducted on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. All interviews were conducted after the Iowa caucuses and before last night’s debate.

Rasmussen Reports will continue to poll in New Hampshire each day until the Primary and report results on a two-day rolling average basis.

The current poll shows Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul each earning 11% of the vote with Rudy Giuliani close behind at 9%. Fred Thompson earns 4%, some other candidate attracts 2%, and 3% are not sure.

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this is a joke. i can't believe Fox blew him off.

After the Iowa results came in they spent a good 5 minutes on air debating whether or not to include him, and in their wisdom they decided that it was more important to include people like Guliani, who got less than 1/3 Paul's votes in Iowa.