Rasmussen Report: Mccain leads Clinton or Obama


Abreast of the situations
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Election 2008 shows Republican frontrunner Senator John McCain with single-digit leads over Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. McCain now leads Clinton 48% to 40%. He leads Barack Obama 47% to 41%.

In a Rasmussen Reports poll conducted mid-January, McCain was two points behind Clinton, five behind Obama. A couple days later McCain won the South Carolina primary.

McCain has led Clinton in four of the last five polling match-ups conducted by Rasmussen Reports. He has had the edge over Obama in three of the last four polls. (see history and trends). Following his victory in Florida, Rasmussen Markets data indicates that McCain is the overwhelming favorite for the Republican Presidential nomination.

This weekend, Rasmussen Reports will begin daily tracking of general election match-ups featuring McCain vs. both Clinton and Obama.

Individual polls can sometimes overstate volatility in a race, especially during the ups and downs of a Primary Election season. This is especially true when the results carry a four percentage point margin of sampling error. One way of addressing this is to look at a rolling-average of three consecutive polls. Using this approach, McCain now has a narrow advantage over Obama 45% to 43%. Prior to this latest poll, they had been tied at 44%. Both men have now been within four points (the margin of error) of the 45% mark for seven consecutive individual polls. Using a three-poll rolling average, McCain leads Clinton by five percentage points, 47% to 42%.

In the new survey McCain enjoys an 22-point advantage among male voters with Clinton as his opponent. He lags by only three points among female voters. There isn't much gender discrepancy in the McCain-Obama match-up. Here McCain leads by eight points among men, five points among women.

McCain does better than either Democrat with unaffiliated voters in the new survey, but especially when Clinton is his opponent. Against the former First Lady, he leads 52% to 31% with unaffiliateds.

John McCain is viewed favorably by 52% and unfavorably by just 43%. His favorables have been in the 50%+ range since late November.

Hillary Clinton is currently viewed favorably by 47%, unfavorably by 51%. Barack Obama is viewed favorably by 51%, unfavorably by 45%.
I just find this hard to believe.

How do you guys think a right winger got elected in France, of all places?

Sure, he tried to institute his right wing economic bullshit, and the people there, who are actually capable of moving from their sofas, rioted, and he knows his place now...but how did he ever get elected?
This wouldn't shock me a bit.

People were on the floor, laughing to the point of tears about the prospect that McCain could be the GOP nominee only a month ago.

This election will not be a cake-walk for the Dems by any means. That said - and I know I'm biased - I think the ONLY thing that could unite Republicans who would otherwise hate McCain too much to vote for him would be Hillary as the opponent.
How do you guys think a right winger got elected in France, of all places?

Sure, he tried to institute his right wing economic bullshit, and the people there, who are actually capable of moving from their sofas, rioted, and he knows his place now...but how did he ever get elected?

So how did he get shown his place? I'll wait.
something else to consider.. while obama and hillary have been mud slinging and bring the campaign to racial levels. McCain has pretty much run a very positive campaign besides only a couple of negative ads towards Romney.

this resonates with people.
I think I KNOW he is their only hope if it is he or Hillary. She is a uniter not a divider......she just unites republicans that's all.

But you're not voting for him, you're voting for McCain anyway, so who cares what you think "leaning"? And also, did you want to explain why you are choosing the war monger McCain over Obama?
something else to consider.. while obama and hillary have been mud slinging and bring the campaign to racial levels. McCain has pretty much run a very positive campaign besides only a couple of negative ads towards Romney.

this resonates with people.

Who would be shocked if Obama "fan" Chap ends up voting for McCain over Obama?

Raise your hand, you get the dunce cap.
I'm not too sure about the idea that positive campaigning "resonates" with people. Voters have generally flocked to mud like lemmings....
Who would be shocked if Obama "fan" Chap ends up voting for McCain over Obama?

Raise your hand, you get the dunce cap.

id vote for obama over mccain with out a doubt.. even tho hes a little left for my taste the virtues of a potential great leader at a time like this in history is far more important.

Hillary is just another corrupt politician.. I will never vote for her.
something else to consider.. while obama and hillary have been mud slinging and bring the campaign to racial levels. McCain has pretty much run a very positive campaign besides only a couple of negative ads towards Romney.

this resonates with people.

Who gives a crap about that?

This campaign will be about war (McCain wants more of them), jobs (McCain wants less of them), and the economy (McCain doesn't know much about it).

McCain will get as dirty and nasty as he has too. Not him personally, but the Rove machine and his surrogates.
id vote for obama over mccain with out a doubt.. even tho hes a little left for my taste the virtues of a potential great leader at a time like this in history is far more important.

Hillary is just another corrupt politician.. I will never vote for her.

Ok! Sorry. You sounded like you were starting to fall into one of those man-crushes on McCain...they're epidemic.
Ok! Sorry. You sounded like you were starting to fall into one of those man-crushes on McCain...they're epidemic.

carter said that Obama is titillating.. now thats a man crush:

Definition of titillating =
1. To stimulate by touching lightly; tickle.
2. To excite (another) pleasurably, superficially or erotically.
To excite another, especially in a superficial, pleasurable manner: