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Isn't it reassuring that during these unsettling times, Donald and his chum Putin are laughing it up together? Why shouldn't Donald side with the ex-KGB autocrat who has journalists and political opponents murdered or jailed and who has this funny little uncontrollable habit, like your kleptomaniac Aunt Lucy at the local grocery, of launching cyber attacks against the elections of other countries?
The real fun begins if Donald loses the 2020 election. In that event, will it be martial law to protect the nation from "enemies of the people" so he can continue in office?
Or will he simply cry foul and suspend the results, complaining that the election was rigged-- there were millions of illegal voters voting, e.g.-- and authorize an investigation headed by his protector, that nice Mr Barr, that will drag on for months, then years?
And all the while, Donald, as the only one to be trusted and who has the best interests of the country at heart, will of course have to remain in power; and, oh, by the way, the statute of limitations on Donald's felony crimes will have run out by then.
From somewhere up above, the Founding Fathers, FDR, Reagan and others are looking down with proud, admiring smiles at Donald and the swell job he's doing.
The real fun begins if Donald loses the 2020 election. In that event, will it be martial law to protect the nation from "enemies of the people" so he can continue in office?
Or will he simply cry foul and suspend the results, complaining that the election was rigged-- there were millions of illegal voters voting, e.g.-- and authorize an investigation headed by his protector, that nice Mr Barr, that will drag on for months, then years?
And all the while, Donald, as the only one to be trusted and who has the best interests of the country at heart, will of course have to remain in power; and, oh, by the way, the statute of limitations on Donald's felony crimes will have run out by then.
From somewhere up above, the Founding Fathers, FDR, Reagan and others are looking down with proud, admiring smiles at Donald and the swell job he's doing.