No, because this is just the beginning. Women have been energized and will step forward. Women are going to college in record numbers, women are running businesses and corporate board rooms. It is an exciting change and you will see more women in the future of politics. I am never disappointed in change and change takes time.
Women far more choose the Democratic Party over the Trump Party is obvious. Pointing that men have been overwhelmingly in charge of the world is truth not misandry. Blue wave rising. Many like sad pimp will into paroxysms of unhappiness.
At this point only Women can save America from right-wing fascist.
Half the voters are Women
In case you forgot, the militant feminazis constitute a very small blip of the electorate.
The three of them seem to be laboring under the influence that the Confirmation Hearing and vote has galvanized ALL women to vote blue come November; but didn't they liberals have the same "assumption" that women were going to vote in Hillary??