RCP turns Michigan senate race to toss up.....

Michigan is turing blue bigly. Many rightys say polling is unreliable and should be ignored. Due to terrible polling, Trump is taking his money out of Michigan and moving it to states he has a short at. He will have to find a way to compensate for Michigan.....and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
tRump did not win the last election as much as Hillary lost it. Right now, Joe is not making the mistakes that she did.
When you see these types of posts from the trumpanzees, it shows just how desperate that they are becoming.

It shows the reality that right-wing gnus spoon-feeds them. They are absolutely believers. PBS had a show on Jones of Infowar's fame. He has admitted in court that he is playing a role for big bucks. He also said that he has a psychosis that makes him see conspiracies everyplace he looks. They absolutely lack any critical abilities. They simply believe.
it is encouraging to find that the JPP lib'ruls know more about politics than RCP........

You are wrong. Trump pulled the ad money out of Michigan because he cannot win it. The dominoes are tumbling, one after another. Trump is dead meat. Biden might have enormous coat tails.
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