Reading a great book


Staff member
All you feeble men should now bow before me and all women, call me Gyna Sapien!

I am woman, and I am powerful! You fear us, that is why you exploit us!

We are a evolutionary wonder! You just resemble the other male primates! We have advanced over our female primate counterparts!

We are women! We are powerful. Respect!

Now bow...
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All you feeble men should now bow before me and all women, call me Gyna Sapien!

I am woman, and I am powerful! You fear us, that is why you exploit us!

We are a evolutionary wonder! You just resembles the other make primates! We have advanced over our female primate counterparts!

We are women! We are powerful. Respect!

Now bow...

Jeesus effin' Christ! If you are anything that resembles power, and or evoking anything that even looks like respect, you should be ashamed of this!

You just DON'T resembles a make primate, or anything that walks upright and possesses a brain! :palm:
All you feeble men should now bow before me and all women, call me Gyna Sapien!

I am woman, and I am powerful! You fear us, that is why you exploit us!

We are a evolutionary wonder! You just resembles the other male primates! We have advanced over our female primate counterparts!

We are women! We are powerful. Respect!

Now bow...

OUCH!! Thank You Ma'am May I Have Another!
Jeesus effin' Christ! If you are anything that resembles power, and or evoking anything that even looks like respect, you should be ashamed of this!

You just DON'T resembles a make primate, or anything that walks upright and possesses a brain! :palm:

Now, now one likes a spelling Nazi!
All you feeble men should now bow before me and all women, call me Gyna Sapien!

I am woman, and I am powerful! You fear us, that is why you exploit us!

We are a evolutionary wonder! You just resembles the other male primates! We have advanced over our female primate counterparts!

We are women! We are powerful. Respect!

Now bow...

Just one more edit're almost there honey~
All you feeble men should now bow before me and all women, call me Gyna Sapien!

I am woman, and I am powerful! You fear us, that is why you exploit us!

We are a evolutionary wonder! You just resemble the other male primates! We have advanced over our female primate counterparts!

We are women! We are powerful. Respect!

Now bow...


I just got another fairy tale from the library today: America by Heart, Sarah Palin. I hope it's as amusing as her first. :)
This book has some very interesting theories about the evolution of women. I will give you the full run down when done.