APP - Real healthcare in Cuba


We are often told by our friends on the left that Cuba has this wonderful healthcare system that we should emulate.

Well, I challenge my friends to look at these real world pictures of healthcare in Cuba and tell me if we really should be emulating this? I mean I guess it is "free", but would you want your mother or daughter receiving their abortions in this type of unsanitary stew?
This article in the Commentator paints a far more accurate picture. It also worth noting that much of the problems can be attributed to the US embargo imposed for over 50 years. I suppose you find it hard to understand how Cuban doctors consider their job to be a vocation and not an opportunity to get fleece their patients as in the US system. No doubt in the fullness of time they will learn to worship the almighty dollar.

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This article in the Commentator paints a far more accurate picture. It also worth noting that much of the problems can be attributed to the US embargo imposed for over 50 years. I suppose you find it hard to understand how Cuban doctors consider their job to be a vocation and not an opportunity to get fleece their patients as in the US system. No doubt in the fullness of time they will learn to worship the almighty dollar.

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Oh the US embargo excuses. That is such a lame excuse. Every other country traded with Cuba so please spare me that unless you think the US is just that much better than everyone else
Have you not heard of the Helms-Burton Act?

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Apparently you don't. It did not prevent the U.K. from spending money in Cuba. It had to do with formerly owned US companies. Also it could be suspended which Clinton did.

Strike 1
Apparently you don't. It did not prevent the U.K. from spending money in Cuba. It had to do with formerly owned US companies. Also it could be suspended which Clinton did.

Strike 1
It also tried to stop non American companies investing in Cuba.

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Probably but what other word is there for a much older man taken advantage of a naive young woman?

Ok play your games with somebody else!!

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It isn't playing games

You claimed that the embargo is what is responsible for Cuba being destitute. It is not. That is a myth. You tried to present a fact that was blown up.