APP - Real Russian connections

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Now folks, these are REAL Russian connections that for some reason went unnoticed by our friends on the left

Bernie Sanders

At the height of the Cold War and during Bernie’s mayoral tenure, Burlington formed an alliance with the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow. In 1988 Bernie Sanders married his wife, Jane (under investigation), the mayor decided it would be a perfect place for his honeymoon.

Bernie was also a staunch supporter of the Sandinistas

Despite his fondness for Communists, the democrat party saw fit to make him a leading candidate for President of the United States

Bill de Blasio

Yet another member of the democrat party who seems to have a fondness for Communist dictators. When Billy was married in 1991 of all the places he could choose for his honeymoon, he chose communist Cuba led by the murderous Fidel Castro. The democrat party saw fit to make him the Mayor of New York City.

Valerie Jarrett

The father, maternal grandfather and father in law of Obama's closest confidant Valerie Jarrett were under investigation by the United States government for communist ties. Valerie's father was a member of The Association of Internes and Medical Students a group that according to the FBI held close the the "communist party line". Additionally, Jarrett's daddy was in communication with a paid Soviet agent Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Alfred Stern and his wife were convicted in absentia

Jarrett's maternal grandpa had a business relationship with Alfred Stern

Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was also another "big-time Chicago Communist," according to FBI files. "For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI's Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),"

Despite all of these Communist connections, she was given the highest security clearances of our government

John Brennan

Former CIA Director John Brennan once voted for a member of the Communist Party USA. His name was Gus Hall and he wasn't your garden variety "Communist sympathizer". He was a full on Stalinist. This was no "youthful indiscretion" as Brennan claims today.

Yet, Brennan climbed to the highest level of our espionage organization the CIA

Barack Hussein Obama

B. Hussein Obama's grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham also had a FBI file that was compiled on him, however it was inexplicably destroyed in 1997. Convenient huh?

More important, Obama's grandfather placed Obama under the tutelage of a known member of the Communist Party USA; one Frank Marshall Davis. Obama speaks of him in his book but just calls him "Frank". Frank was a BIG time communist with big time ties to you guessed it Valerie Jarrett and her family

Despite his communist ties, the democrat party saw fit to nominate B. Hussein Obama two times as President of the United States and he was duly elected.

Now many on the left will call these giant conspiracy theories, but everything I have claimed is provable fact. Jarrett, Obama and Brennan have more ties to Russia than Trump ever could yet it doesn't seem to bother our friends in the democrat party.

Why is that?