

In base four, the fourth number is 10 tho. Somewhat confusing, there is no 4 in base 4, just like there's no 2 in binary.

Yes I know there is no four in base 4, Thats why i said the 4th number would be nine, dummy. So 0 1 2 9

but You are right that still wouldn’t make much sense so partial credit
Yes I know there is no four in base 4, Thats why i said the 4th number would be nine, dummy. So 0 1 2 9

but You are right that still wouldn’t make much sense so partial credit

You doubled down on your stupidity apparently because you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge being wrong.

In base 4...the number could not be 4...and IT COULD NOT BE 9.

It would have to be 10.
That's why Mr. Trump is president of the United States. All the self professed "smart" people. Reality: When do the numbers 6 or 9 = 0, null, When they cease representing cognitive logic through visual perception...… a "horizonal" figure equals NOTHING in a world intended to be viewed "vertically". Mr. Trump made both the D and R look foolish by simplifying his messaging instead of calling the American Voter STUPID.
Yes I know there is no four in base 4, Thats why i said the 4th number would be nine, dummy. So 0 1 2 9

but You are right that still wouldn’t make much sense so partial credit

0 1 2 3 9

Oh yeah you're right. Although technically the fourth number is three? Man is this stuff confusing.
0 1 2 3 9

Oh yeah you're right. Although technically the fourth number is three? Man is this stuff confusing.

yes. i am right. my idea was so crazy people like frank didn't even get it. he thinks he's smarter than me but I am already on another level.
There's no 9 (nine) in a base four system. The next number after 3 would be 10 (not ten). 10 (one-zero) would represent the value 4 (four).