Recent Rule revisions


on indefiniate mod break
Posts containing petty name calling will be pruned, modified or deleted, so long as they are reported by the individual they were directed at, and that the name calling is clearly a DIRECT attack on said PERSON, NOT on a said particular argument.

Example: "You are retarded." - Will be edited if reported.
Example: "The argument you are making is completely retarded/stupid" - This will not be dealt with.
Example: "Anyone that believes in X is an idiot" - This is not directed at any particular individual, it will likely not be dealt with.
Example: "Only stupid people believe in gun control" - This is not a DIRECTED at a specific individual, and therefore will likely be left alone.

Additionally the ban is now one week, not a month.

As of right now we have decided not to blanket ban petty insults.

For those that claim that his is no different than any other forum, I will remind you that:

A) if someone makes a direct insult towards another and it is reported, the message will be modified. This does not take place on the other areas of this site.

B) if someone uses sexist or racist slurs, they are banned. This does not happen on the other areas of the site.

C) If someones is excessively harassing (see how we define that), they are banned. Which does not occur on the other sections of this site.

D) we will be working to prune posts that contain useless banter, off topic ramblings, etc. This does not happen on any other area of the site.

Additionally, nothing is set in stone. This is what damo and I are inclined towards right now, but we are always open to suggestions and the continuing evolution of this forum. For right now though, we think this is the best course.

For those that are still detractors, sorry, but we can't make everyone happy. We'll see you on the other forums the same as always.
People who cry and complain about people calling them names are fucking crybaby dickwad asswipe redneck sons of bitches.