Recently spotted Bumpersticker...

Yeah now there is a real bright human being.

Feeds right into the utter stupidity, lies and smears the right seems unable to function without.

The differance between Bush and McCain is only the spelling of their names.
Taking life too seriously, Desh. The point of the thread is to post bumperstickers you have recently seen.
I take this very seriously Damo.

This country can not survive another 4 years of neo con rule.
I take this very seriously Damo.

This country can not survive another 4 years of neo con rule.

what do you think will realistically happen in 4 years time that would result int he destruction of this country? Describe how you see it in 4 years if the neo cons win.
A joke can be funny if it's a mockery of racism, or a mockery of ignorance. That's why Sarah Silverman's meta-bigotry is funny, and the people who mock righties for saying "LOL why you vote hm he rhyms "OSMA!" are funny. Actually listening to a KKK member tell a joke about "them darkies" or a rightie talking about his hatred of middle easterners isn't funny. This is not being uptight. It's just having the sense to differentiate between good and bad humor, which Damo doesn't. Just because something is a joke doesn't mean I have to laugh about it.
Or based on hatred or rascism.

But then damo says I have no sense of humor and he seems to think he does.
I've never said you have no sense of humor, I have said that you are, on occasion, funny to me.

Most of the time your jokes fall flat. I can tell they are jokes though.