Recordings of The Donald on the Howard Stern Show


Diversity Makes Greatness
Hoo Boy.

Look what is available!

Old Recordings of HIM on the Howard Stern Show.

Oh, but not so fast.

I tried one, the very first one, but got THIS message:

"Sirius/XM ordered to take down all audio on Oct. 6, 2018. While this audio served a important public service and was clearly fair use, we do not have the resources to prove this in court."


Oh, but wait for it...

There are summary transcripts!

Here's where the record begins:

"0:30 Discussion of Trump's germophobia.
1:30 Stern asks Trump about his financial success, and Trump says that his casinos have been doing well.
1:50 Robin alludes to Trump's notorious ski trip where his wife (Ivana Trump) met his then-misstress (Marla Maples). There's also more discussion of fidelity in relationships and his "friendship" with Marla Maples. "

Shall we delve through this treasure trove?

Join me if you please.

Let us see what we can find to talk about...
No doubt we are going to find some genuine insight into the man who has forced his way into our daily lives, like him or not...
One of the assholes I had to "partner" with when I worked at the food service had to listen to that pervert Fartman every morning. He's enough to make even the healthiest person ill. Finally, after enough bitching, I got him to at least listen to Elliot In The Morning out of DC until 10:00 AM. It didn't take long until I got another "partner" to go with me.
Dump trucks will follow him to the grave....their graves, as Dump will order someone shovel the dirt as he does a round of golf at Mar-a-Lago. All Dump has to do is tell them that he won't let those minorities or liberals or feminists or "elites" get away with stuff, and his followers will bend over the chair with a smile on their face. Sad.
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One of the assholes I had to "partner" with when I worked at the food service had to listen to that pervert Fartman every morning. He's enough to make even the healthiest person ill. Finally, after enough bitching, I got him to at least listen to Elliot In The Morning out of DC until 10:00 AM. It didn't take long until I got another "partner" to go with me.

now its food "service", did you do that after they fired you from the drill Press operator job
now its food "service", did you do that after they fired you from the drill Press operator job

Nope. Did it for a year and a half after the company I worked for moved until I found a comparable machinist job.
Oh, and I rarely ran a drill press, most of the drilling I did I set up on a Bridgeport. I'm a perfectionist.
Hello Taichiliberal,

Dump trucks will follow him to the grave....their graves, as Dump will order someone shovel the dirt as he does a round of golf at Mar-a-Lago. All Dump has to do is tell them that he won't let those minorities or liberals or feminists or "elites" get away with stuff, and his followers will bend over the chair with a smile on their face. Sad.

He appears to have as devoted a following as Jim Jones did.
Here is some stuff that was going on January 11th, 1993:

DT said his casinos were 'doing well,' but actually he had already lost control of several, including his biggest one, to bankruptcy:

"Trump opened the $1.2 billion Taj Mahal Casino Resort in Atlantic City in April 1990. One year later, in the summer of 1991, it sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection because it was unable to generate enough gambling revenue to cover the massive costs of building the facility, particularly amid a recession.

Trump was forced to relinquish half of his ownership in the casino and sell off his yacht and his airline. The bondholders were awarded lower interest payments."

And then there was this:

" The Trump Castle Hotel & Casino entered bankruptcy in March 1992 and had the most difficulty of Trump's Atlantic City properties in covering its operational costs.

The Trump Organization relinquished half of its holdings in the Castle to the bondholders. Trump opened the Castle in 1985. "

And this:

"The Plaza Casino was one of two Trump casinos in Atlantic City to enter bankruptcy in March 1992. The other was the Castle Hotel & Casino.

The 39-story, 612-room Plaza opened on the Atlantic City boardwalk in May 1984 after Trump struck a deal to build the casino with Harrah’s Entertainment. Trump Plaza closed in September 2014, putting more than 1,000 people out of work."


"Trump's Plaza Hotel was more than $550 million in debt when it entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1992. Trump gave up a 49 percent stake in the company to lenders, as well as his salary and his day-to-day role in its operations.

The hotel, overlooking Central Park in Manhattan from its location on Fifth Avenue, entered bankruptcy because it could not pay its annual debt service payments. Trump bought the hotel for about $407 million in 1988. He later sold a controlling stake in the property, which remains in operation."

Bankruptcies of The Donald
Oh yeah. It was the age of AIDS:

"3:35 Trump claims that makes stars out of every women he has a relationship with.

3:45 Discussion of Trump's claimed $25 million divorce settlement with Ivana, which he claims she violated by writing a book (1992's For Love Alone). He also complains about her commercials and interview with Barbara Walters. Trump claims to still love Ivana and defends her as the mother of his children.

5:30 Trump says that he has wealthy friends who aren't able to attract women, unlike him and that "money is not the predominant factor." He tells Robin he has a friend who "looooves black women."

6:38 Trump says that his germophobia does cause problems with sex, and compares his struggles with sexually transmitted disease to Vietnam (a joke that he has made several times) - "we have our own Vietnam -- it's called the dating game."

7:20 Trump says that he read a report saying that it's possible to transmit AIDS by kissing, and continues talking about diseases and dating.

8:25 Stern claims that Trump has all his women get AIDS tests, and they have an extended discussion of AIDS prevention, including suggestions that people with AIDS be tattooed. "

An insight into the mind of a future president:

"10:08 Jerry Seinfeld joins by phone.

10:35 Discussion of Seinfeld dating Tawny Kitaen (an actress known for her role in the music video for "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake).

10:50 Trump says that he's never heard of woman having an abortion after he's gotten her pregnant.

12:26 Trump: "Let's just say, if you bring a woman to Mar-a-Lago and you can't do well, you have problems"

14:00 Trump congratulates Seinfeld when he is told that he stole actor Grant Shaud's girlfriend (known for playing Miles on Murphy Brown).

14:50 Trump claims that he is particular and doesn't rush to have sex with a new woman, and wants to remarry and have more children.

16:09 Discussion of jealousy.

16:39 Discussion of Marla Maples' claim that Trump was "the best I ever had." Trump says "I think I'd rather have the reputation than the fact."

17:43 Stern asks Trump why he "rushed" to marry Ivana when he was rich and having fun. Trump claims that he lost his virginity at 14.

18:47 Trump talks more about losing his virginity to "the hot little girl in high school." "
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Dump trucks will follow him to the grave....their graves, as Dump will order someone shovel the dirt as he does a round of golf at Mar-a-Lago. All Dump has to do is tell them that he won't let those minorities or liberals or feminists or "elites" get away with stuff, and his followers will bend over the chair with a smile on their face. Sad.

Hello Taichiliberal,

He appears to have as devoted a following as Jim Jones did.

It was on Stern that he told about his walking through the locker rooms of the girls in a teenage beauty contest. He bragged that he could do it because he owned the contest. He left some girls shaken.