APP - Red flag laws are a violation of natural rights

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

No supporter of the 2nd Amendment can support these types of laws. These are the most insidious encroachments of our civil liberties as they sound "sensible". I mean who wants a "crazy" person owning a gun. That makes no sense.

But the reality is that how they are implemented and what is defined as "mental illness" is rife for abuse

Even those who are skeered of guns should be frightened by these laws. If these laws can be passed to strip away the 2nd Amendment, what is to stop them from stripping away your other rights as well?

1st Amendment? "Oh he/she is too crazy to be allowed to post on social media as it might stir up unrest"
There is no doubt that red flag laws are open to abuse. But so are any other laws. That's a major reason we have a democracy and judicial system with appeals provision. Red flag laws are particularly vulnerable because the criteria of mental or emotional illness is culturally defined and subjective. There is further potential for abuse from the fact that there are many people who think there should be no private ownership of guns and who will leap on the red flag law as a way of getting at least some gun bans into effect.

There is no objective, scientific method of determining who can own a gun and who can't. Either ban generically or don't ban at all. We have a generic ban on hand grenades. Nobody seems to think that is oppressive even though a well-regulated militia may find them necessary.
You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.