Redefining Failure as Success


Will work for Scooby snacks
Daily show did a great bit on this. I've often though of the ever moving goal posts, BushCo. presents to us, to define "success" in Iraq. But, I'd never seen it done in such a clever way, as the dailyshow did. Very clever of BushCo. to continually revise the definition of success downward, so eventually, failure becomes success. LOL

they went through the litany of the different levels of Sucesss:

Mission Accomplished - We Won! - 2003
Sucess = Jeffersonian Democratic Iraq - late 2003
Plan for Victory - 2004
The New Way Forward - 2005
Bush: Success = a stable government that can defend itself - 2006
Bush: Sucess = a lower level of violence - 2007
Since the 1st Bush/Gore debates, this admin has been all about the expectations game (remember? If Bush did better than drool & grunt, he would beat the "master of debate", Al Gore).

"Mission Accomplished" was a rare slip for them. At this point, they have set the bar so low, that ANYTHING above total chaos & mass death is "victory."

I should add, many on the left have been their unwilling/unknowing accomplices in this endeavor...
I think as soon as there's only a few dozen car bombings a months, and only a few hundred sectarian killings a month, and we have some sort of authoritarian strongman in baghdad who can hold an army together enough, to deter Iran, then Bush would declare victory.

In other words, if we bascially get iraq back to where it was BEFORE we invaded, Bush will call that a victory.

Since the 1st Bush/Gore debates, this admin has been all about the expectations game (remember? If Bush did better than drool & grunt, he would beat the "master of debate", Al Gore).

"Mission Accomplished" was a rare slip for them. At this point, they have set the bar so low, that ANYTHING above total chaos & mass death is "victory."

I should add, many on the left have been their unwilling/unknowing accomplices in this endeavor...

I'm laughing at your first paragraph. It's so true, and how easy it is to forget.
Umm you forgot troop cutabcks 2008.

He forgot to mention that the military cannot sustain current levels beyond that :)