Redefining rights


Worst gambler ever
Once again, it comes down to what is a right? What is privacy? Why, its exactly what the government tells you it is, right or fucking wrong.

You big government types should tke heed to this:


WASHINGTON (AP) -- As Congress debates new rules for government eavesdropping, a top intelligence official says it is time that people in the United States change their definition of privacy.

Donald Kerr, principal deputy director of national intelligence, wants Americans to redefine privacy.

Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguard people's private communications and financial information.

Once again, it comes down to what is a right? What is privacy? Why, its exactly what the government tells you it is, right or fucking wrong.

You big government types should tke heed to this:


WASHINGTON (AP) -- As Congress debates new rules for government eavesdropping, a top intelligence official says it is time that people in the United States change their definition of privacy.

Donald Kerr, principal deputy director of national intelligence, wants Americans to redefine privacy.

Privacy no longer can mean anonymity, says Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of national intelligence. Instead, it should mean that government and businesses properly safeguard people's private communications and financial information.


"big government types" is historically code word for liberals

These are authoritarians, more properly.
"big government types" is historically code word for liberals

These are authoritarians, more properly.
"Historically" maybe... presently? Hayul no! Big Government conservatives are equally bad for people's individual rights as Big Government liberals.
Yeah thos little RFID thingys would work fine and just have to wave you hand at the payment machine at wally world on the way out and all done :)
And the government could use them to keep track of the Paranoid Schizophrenics. In time they could use the implants to speak directly to their minds, telling them which manholes are portholes into the secret underground government and which tattoos are really listening devices.
"Historically" maybe... presently? Hayul no! Big Government conservatives are equally bad for people's individual rights as Big Government liberals.

"Big Government" is just code word, for the constitution in exile crowd, who wants us to return to the days before Teddy Roosevelt. IMO

I don't think the term "big government" has much utility. Either you're an authoritarian, or you're not.

Outside of war, pentagon spending, health insurance for seniors and the poor, the federal government really doesn't do much, or influence our daily lives to any great extent.
"Big Government" is just code word, for the constitution in exile crowd, who wants us to return to the days before Teddy Roosevelt. IMO

I don't think the term "big government" has much utility. Either you're an authoritarian, or you're not.

Outside of war, pentagon spending, health insurance for seniors and the poor, the federal government really doesn't do much, or influence our daily lives to any great extent.

When extrapolated far enough, "big government" and "authoritatian" become one and the same. Whether its the left or the right that propogates it.
When extrapolated far enough, "big government" and "authoritatian" become one and the same. Whether its the left or the right that propogates it.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by big government. I'm assuming, as a Libertarian, you're possibly refering to the amount of revenue a government takes in, relative to the whole economy. i.e., a big "spending" government.

I don't see a correlation between the amount of government spending/taxes/reveue, and authoritarianism.

Checking with the CIA factbook, liberal social democracies like Norway, Denmark, and Switzerland spend around 30 to 50% of their GDP on public services and government.

Some actual real authoritarian regimes have "smaller" government, in the sense that they allocate far less of their GDP on government expenditures. Venezuela, which is allegedly authoritarian, spends less of its GDP on public expenditures, i.e., "big government", than do the european social democracies.

I think authoritarianism is linked to the independence of the judicial system (or lack thereof), the rule of law, and whether or not that state supports a massive internal domestic "security" system. Not to "big government", in terms of revenue, taxation, spending, etc.
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