Redefinition of Terms


Worst gambler ever
It seems to me that the definitions of "Liberal" and "Conservative" have been totally, unequivocally hijacked by the parties now. I've bitched about this for years, but now its worse than ever.

"Liberal" now means "Democrat" and same with "Conservative" and "Republican".

Lets get real for a moment. Liberalism, progressivism, or leftist movements are really abut affecting change. Right or wrong on your spectrum they are about making changes and being more tolerant of differing lifestyles, behaviors socioeconomic positions....

But the reality is that they are now moving on political grounds to appease their Democratic Party handlers. It is about part advancement rather than idealism.

Conservatism has been hijacked by the GOP. No longer does the GOP give a shit about real financial conservatism or foreign policy conservatism. They fain on both fronts, but you still have the cheerleaders ho claim to be real "Conservtives" rallying them on.

Politics have become branded in this country adn its pathetic.

That is all.
I could go into a long tirade about the history and use around the world of the terms "conservative" and "liberal", but I won't. What comes to mind immediately is that a lot of liberals are trying to say they are "progressives" to avoid the negative connotation given to the term "liberal" by the conservative pukes of the 80's, which annoys me to no end.
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It seems to me that the definitions of "Liberal" and "Conservative" have been totally, unequivocally hijacked by the parties now. I've bitched about this for years, but now its worse than ever.

"Liberal" now means "Democrat" and same with "Conservative" and "Republican".

Lets get real for a moment. Liberalism, progressivism, or leftist movements are really abut affecting change. Right or wrong on your spectrum they are about making changes and being more tolerant of differing lifestyles, behaviors socioeconomic positions....

But the reality is that they are now moving on political grounds to appease their Democratic Party handlers. It is about part advancement rather than idealism.

Conservatism has been hijacked by the GOP. No longer does the GOP give a shit about real financial conservatism or foreign policy conservatism. They fain on both fronts, but you still have the cheerleaders ho claim to be real "Conservtives" rallying them on.

Politics have become branded in this country adn its pathetic.

That is all.

Yes, and consequently you have a lot of morons running around calling themselves conservatives, and I just glance at them and sputter WTF???

The same can be said of the New Left to liberalism, I guess. No one seems to know what the fuck they actually believe.

Its like we've all become the political version of religious Catholicism, where unless you're a recent convert, you honestly don't have a clue why you're in the Church...