Redo: Election of 1828

Who Would You Vote For?

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Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
I just thought of this because it was one of the failures of the 19th Century that I ranted about in Desh's "Why I'm a Democrat" thread.

As a refresher, Adams won the "Corrupt Bargain" election of 1824 in the House, because Speaker Henry Clay (DR/W - KY) who also ran in the election, campaigned for Adams and was then appointed his Sec. of State. Jackson and co. cried for the next four years, founded the modern Democratic Party, derailed Adam's administration as best they could, and then challenged him in the fateful election of 1828.
I did this just to piss you off.

Andrew Jackson was a terrible president and I'm still annoyed by the damage he's done to Mississippi's system of government to this day.

+he killed lots of indians.
I just thought of this because it was one of the failures of the 19th Century that I ranted about in Desh's "Why I'm a Democrat" thread.

As a refresher, Adams won the "Corrupt Bargain" election of 1824 in the House, because Speaker Henry Clay (DR/W - KY) who also ran in the election, campaigned for Adams and was then appointed his Sec. of State. Jackson and co. cried for the next four years, founded the modern Democratic Party, derailed Adam's administration as best they could, and then challenged him in the fateful election of 1828.

I don't know why Jackson cried so much. Jackson may have been the 1st choice of the most people, but he was not the 1st choice of a majority of people. The majority of people who voted for other candidates just happened to all dislike him more than they disliked anyone else. His loss was appropriate and one of the better results of having the electoral college system.
I don't know why Jackson cried so much. Jackson may have been the 1st choice of the most people, but he was not the 1st choice of a majority of people. The majority of people who voted for other candidates just happened to all dislike him more than they disliked anyone else. His loss was appropriate and one of the better results of having the electoral college system.

Well, I'm not sure about that. William Crawford, who finished third, and was thus one of the 3 to be voted on in the House probably had a constituency that disliked Jackson, but Clay was from Kentucky, and Adams' name had not even appeared on the ballot in that state in 1824. Its likely a lot of Clay's supporters were not vehemently anti-Jackson or even all that upset to see him elected in 1828.
Well, I'm not sure about that. William Crawford, who finished third, and was thus one of the 3 to be voted on in the House probably had a constituency that disliked Jackson, but Clay was from Kentucky, and Adams' name had not even appeared on the ballot in that state in 1824. Its likely a lot of Clay's supporters were not vehemently anti-Jackson or even all that upset to see him elected in 1828.

Of course KY was not opposed to Jackson indian killer. The indians were in the way.

Of course KY was not opposed to Jackson indian killer. The indians were in the way.

Good Lord us cit...back to school with you...History 101...if not for Jackson...Florida would still be a possession of the Spaniards...and all you liberals would not have to bitch about chads on elections and the Supreme Court decisions..
Hmm might not be a bad thing BB.

FL is sort of like another country anyway. And for the rest of the country to have to pay for all that hurricane damage and medicare for old folks....
Good Lord us cit...back to school with you...History 101...if not for Jackson...Florida would still be a possession of the Spaniards...and all you liberals would not have to bitch about chads on elections and the Supreme Court decisions..

Florida was ceded to America in 1819.
Florida was ceded to America in 1819.

LOL I almost missed that. Oh, and irony time here:

It was acquired under the ADAMS-Onis Treaty, referring to then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, who is considered history's best. He also authored the Monroe Doctrine, and under Madison, was on the delegation to the Treaty of Ghent.

BattleBourne OWNED

LOL I almost missed that. Oh, and irony time here:

It was acquired under the ADAMS-Onis Treaty, referring to then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, who is considered history's best. He also authored the Monroe Doctrine, and under Madison, was on the delegation to the Treaty of Ghent.

BattleBourne OWNED

The ones owned are you and waterbaby...reread my original comment...!
fyi...since you were asleep during US History classes...Andrew Jackson lead an invasion force of 3000+men into Florida which was the First Seminole War...1814-1819...Spain then negotiated a treaty with the U.S. in 1819...sold East Florida for $5m then ceded the remainder under the treaty...thanks to Jackson!;)
The ones owned are you and waterbaby...reread my original comment...!
fyi...since you were asleep during US History classes...Andrew Jackson lead an invasion force of 3000+men into Florida which was the First Seminole War...1814-1819...Spain then negotiated a treaty with the U.S. in 1819...sold East Florida for $5m then ceded the remainder under the treaty...thanks to Jackson!;)

And if he hadn't of been president that would've happened anyone. No one here is arguing for his non-existence, just for his non-presidency.

Anyway, it's a grand assumption to think that they couldn't have won without Jackson. Poor men do all the work, rich men take all the credit.
Once again.............

And if he hadn't of been president that would've happened anyone. No one here is arguing for his non-existence, just for his non-presidency.

Anyway, it's a grand assumption to think that they couldn't have won without Jackson. Poor men do all the work, rich men take all the credit.

Andrew Jackson was not from the priveledged group...he was from a poor family and worked his way up the ladder...became a General and fought the wars necessary for our country to prosper...he caught hell for going against the Federal Reserve Bank...that is where he got in trouble...not from the electorate but from the Money Changers...stay awake in class next time!
Andrew Jackson was not from the priveledged group...he was from a poor family and worked his way up the ladder...became a General and fought the wars necessary for our country to prosper...he caught hell for going against the Federal Reserve Bank...that is where he got in trouble...not from the electorate but from the Money Changers...stay awake in class next time!

He went against the Federal Reserve? Wow, he was truly a man before his time.
He went against the Federal Reserve? Wow, he was truly a man before his time.
That was the first time that a Federally Centralized bank failed. It has failed once more in our history, and the current one is the third attempt.
That was the first time that a Federally Centralized bank failed. It has failed once more in our history, and the current one is the third attempt.

There was a first national bank, and I believe Jefferson let it's charter expired. Madison made the second national bank, and Jackson let it's charter expire. Neither one of them "failed". The current federal reserve is nothing like the first two national banks.
Yes, its referred to as Jackson's "War on the Bank." Madison had renewed it because the difficulty of funding the War of 1812 had frightened him, and he wanted to ensure that something like that didn't happen again.