APP - Regardless what happens today

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So the long march to the mid terms are about to be over. Both sides are going to try to spin whatever outcome happens to their advantage. Blue wave? Red wave? Who really knows. I do think we are experiencing somewhat of a realignment in politics blurring traditional voting blocs and how they vote.

Many assumptions are being made heading into this mid term. It is interesting that we are seeing somewhat of a repeat of 2016 with Rasmussen is an outlier with regards to other polling outlets when it comes to the generic ballot. Of note, Rasmussen was the most accurate pollster in 2016. Will he get it right today? We are about to find out very soon. I do think that polling in this highly charged environment is very difficult. When a polling agency has to make 35,000 calls to get 500 responses something is off. I think nobody knows how to model this mid term because of the high turnout.

No matter what happens today, the battle for the nation’s soul is still ongoing. To my friends on the right, we must remember that the left never gives up, never concedes error and never goes away. We can't be complacent.

So be sure to vote today, hope for the best and be ready to continue the fight for America's soul.
Different pollsters have different methods... Rasmussen tends to be extremely restrictive with its likely voter model, many other pollsters are looser. So Rasmussen tends to be more correct when "discouraged voters" do not vote.
Different pollsters have different methods... Rasmussen tends to be extremely restrictive with its likely voter model, many other pollsters are looser. So Rasmussen tends to be more correct when "discouraged voters" do not vote.

You may have noticed that our real-time forecast has moved toward Republicans in the House. It’s being too aggressive, in my opinion. The model sees that a bunch of “likely Republican” districts (particularly in Florida) are now 100 percent likely to go red. But there hasn’t been the chance for Democrats to clinch many equivalent likely Democratic districts.

^ 538

feel better? :p