Regardless what you think about money…


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Regardless what you think about money…
When people trade with one another,
In general they do “I do this for you, you do that for me”,
And specifically whatever “this” and “that” is for the specific occasion and instance, so now…
Player do you know what money does…
Money doesn’t do what those who have money say…
Money reduces the time and effort to trade…
Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort.
Have you ever really thought of that?

Regardless if you really have, really think of the following now…
Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.
Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

Regardless what you would really choose, really…really think of the following now…
When few in the economy say what money is used to do for one in reality, one can’t think of a fun way to spend less time and effort to do what that one wants to do than what few say, or if this isn’t the case in the economy…
When few in the economy say what money is used to do for one in reality, one can think of a fun way to spend less time and effort to do what that one wants to do than what few say, but if this is the case in the economy…
If in the end, when few in the economy say what money is used to do for one in reality, one can think of a fun way to spend less time and effort to do what that one wants to do than what few say, then it doesn’t seem to me that one has to spend time and effort with what few say, if most would think otherwise…does it seem to you?

Regardless what it really seems to you, really think how investing works in reality for others now…
when most are not having fun because of one, they don't waste time and effort with the amount of money one has, as
the amount of money people would invest on one for not being fun to them is zero, and
that is the money that someone makes next, from the rest ones no?

Regardless now what you or others thought before, is money the end or is money the beginning for people, is what you have to think after you read below…
Why can time and effort needed to trade, be a problem to some people, so that they need time and effort to trade reduced by introducing money to society?
Because people may want to do something else, instead of spending the needed time and effort to trade.
But…for some people…time and effort spend to trade…is what they do for fun!

Now…regarding what you are wondering about, here’s how one learns to make money in reality…
Learning to make money again and again without wasting other's time or effort,
requires one's patience,
so that it takes the least time and effort for others to verify that one learned.
Cause when that isn’t the way one learns to make money over and over…
One keeps wasting others’ time and effort over and over, then some may learn from one one’s ways and then…
some waste others' time and effort , and if some become most, then most waste others' time and effort making money over and over...
...until no one wants to waste any more time and effort making money.
Cause no one wants to talk about all the sad jokers in the economy, wasting our time and effort over and over and…over…with their endless “money stories”.

Regardless what you think I have to be afraid of, here’s who you have to be afraid of in the economy…
Sad Jokers in the economy spend time and effort to trade, but they are not having fun. Because others spend time and effort to trade, plus have fun doing this , Sad Jokers need to become good at something else to make money. So they spend their time and effort on something else, on which they become efficient…
Because Sad Jokers become good at something else, their actions are not reducing the time and effort spend to trade, as… they spend their time and effort on something else. So, the money they make for themselves, is more efficient in reducing the time and effort spend on trading, than they are, and…the more money they make…the more time and effort needs to be spend on trading in society, and money in the end becomes inefficient for society…cause Sad jokers aren’t good at reducing the time and effort spend to trade over and over for others from beginning to end during their journey in the economy…
Because of this, what is no one’s problem in society…becomes everyone’s problem in society. Why? Because some Jokers are sad and this is funny. Why? Cause others aren’t and they are useful to society.

Regardless what you think you don’t know here’s what you don’t know that you understand…
The economy isn't working at certain points in history in the past (ask around if you doubt that…).
When that happens, the money is concentrated to some people only, as the rest people don't have enough money so that the economy can work. (ask those who don’t have enough money when the economy isn’t working in your imagination if you doubt that also…)
And here is the question, can I blame everyone who has money while the economy is not working? No, it doesn't seem to me I can...but...(don’t ask me why I don’t want to blame everyone now wait until the end…) that moment in time, when they all say "the economy isn't working now", some of the ones who have money are good at making money over and over and some are not, but the later are good at gathering money for themselves without any regard for society (cause why is the economy not working if everyone who has money is good at making at that time is what you have to ask yourself, and also…)
...In the end, when the economy isn’t working, the ones who have money, and are able to make money again and again, show the rest ones when the economy isn't working, who among the ones who have money, when the economy isn't working, is really good at making money again and again, and who is just pretending like they don't understand that the economy isn’t working because of them...what do you think? ( cause if you really want to find out who is really good at making money over and over, you can really find that out even at the worst of times for the ones that are really good at making money over and over, and for the ones who are not, you can really find out then how they kept wasting all of our time and effort in the past…)