Regime declares phenylephrine not effective

Back before 1906 you could get all manner of really cool "cures" and "Medicines" a few of which weren't pure poison or a placebo that didn't work. Then the ebil goberment stepped in to protect people from dying or harming themselves or WASTING THEIR MONEY ON FAKE CURES.

It's such a shame that these people back in 1906 couldn't see that one day we'd need those cures very badly.
Back before 1906 you could get all manner of really cool "cures" and "Medicines" a few of which weren't pure poison or a placebo that didn't work. Then the ebil goberment stepped in to protect people from dying or harming themselves or WASTING THEIR MONEY ON FAKE CURES.

It's such a shame that these people back in 1906 couldn't see that one day we'd need those cures very badly.

Meanwhile our overlords make no effort to deal with street drugs, and in fact encourages them.

But we cant be allowed over the counter cold meds.
