Regional Specific Christmas Music

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Every year, these two songs play on the radio at Christmas time:

[ame=""]YouTube - Christmas in the Northwest[/ame]

This second one cuts out into another song and routine, but you get the idea - Seattle = Coffee :cof1:

[ame=""]YouTube - Sippin' In Seattle Latte Land, aka Santa Is My Baby (No, He's Mine, No Mine).[/ame]

Feel free to post your own local Christmas selections.
[ame=""]YouTube - Bing Crosby - Mele Kalikimaka[/ame]
We don't really have anything particularly regional, probably due to us being so very small. However, as women never tire of telling me "size does not matter, it's what you do with it that counts, although if you could try to make it past the three minute mark i'd appreciate it".

Anyway, moving on, we always know it's Christmas when the shops start playing this in the last week of September...(i have no idea if the USA has any experience of this)

[ame=""]YouTube - Wizzard - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday[/ame]

Although if one is feeling a little bilious from a surfeit of seasonal fare, due to its remarkable emetic qualities, this tune is always welcomed like an old friend in the charver homestead. With that undigested Christmas pudding duly expelled forever there is more room for extree port. Huzzah!

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Charver, I tend to find its easier to reach that 3 min. mark when the girl is on top. Just say, "you want a longer fare? Then climb aboard!" (you can be nerdy and add "the Charver express" but then you might not get laid at all)