The alt right has a lot to answer for.
There is no such thing as an 'alt right', Wally.
Biden has a lot to answer for:
* Treason by providing weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Treason by inviting invasion of the United States.
* Treason by calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Treason by espionage.
Pelosi has a lot to answer for:
* Organizing violent rioting.
* Exceeding her authority.
* Graft.
* Constituents living with filth and open sewers on the streets, open crime, and homeless so drugged up they are like a scene out of a zombie movie.
AOC has a lot to answer for:
* Perjury
* Graft.
Kamala has a lot to answer for:
* Inability to speak English.
* Treason by inviting invasion of the United States.
* Treason by calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Treason by espionage.
Democrats have a lot to answer for:
* Sexual perversions being pushed as "normal".
* Supporting murder of offspring in the womb, and even after birth.
* Supporting mutilation of children, and hiding sexual perversions being taught kids from their parents.
* Supporting women abuse in sports and elsewhere.
* Supporting criminal activity and organized crime, including looting, vandalism, and arson, and the illegal drug trade.
* Supporting racism (often with the excuse to 'prevent racism'!), resulting in DEI hiring that has resulted in killing people.
* Supporting endless war in Ukraine/Russia.
* Supporting violent terrorist groups such as Hamas and supporting Iran, which funds them.
* Discarding the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
* High taxes and oppressive regulations.
* High inflation and the economic depression started using the Covid Hoax.
* The needless slaughter of thousands of chickens.
* Elitism. Socialism. Tyranny.
Democrats are violent, paranoid, and are even willing to kill for their agenda.
They hate children. They hate women. They hate the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions. They hate the rule of law. They hate Trump and anyone that supports him.
All they do is hate.