Religion as Make-Believe: A Theory of Belief, Imagination, and Group Identity


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Why do we have religious credences, if they are so tenuously connected to evidence? Van Leeuwen suggests that religious credences function to support group identities: They guide symbolic actions (for example, ritual behaviors) that signal group allegiance; and by professing “belief” in religious doctrines, people indicate and partly constitute their membership in a social group.

Notably, the second function is best served if the religious credence is not well supported by factual evidence.

Why do we have religious credences, if they are so tenuously connected to evidence? Van Leeuwen suggests that religious credences function to support group identities: They guide symbolic actions (for example, ritual behaviors) that signal group allegiance; and by professing “belief” in religious doctrines, people indicate and partly constitute their membership in a social group.

Notably, the second function is best served if the religious credence is not well supported by factual evidence.

sometimes it's about that.

it also contains universal moral teachings fit for a multicultural society.

true morality transcends tribalism.

this is also found in religions, christianity and Buddhism especially.
Why do we have religious credences, if they are so tenuously connected to evidence? Van Leeuwen suggests that religious credences function to support group identities: They guide symbolic actions (for example, ritual behaviors) that signal group allegiance; and by professing “belief” in religious doctrines, people indicate and partly constitute their membership in a social group.

Notably, the second function is best served if the religious credence is not well supported by factual evidence.

If there is no faith in anything else is possible then everyone has to use their unique brain to navigate space mutually evolving in this moment changing form conceived cell to decomposed corpse when living uniquely in plain sight happens cradle to grave when each body is adapting to the moment every rotation of the planet their body changes form since created by a conception from previous ancestral lineage.

Equally evolving as conceived to live as life becomes everything left alive next rotation specifically means the total sum evolution ends this rotation continuing the eternal changes of results never same details added again next rotation.