Religion Confuses Dem Governor

How so Ornot? a muslim on a Chirstmas card? Not that confusing to me. Why does it confuse you?
There is some debate about that US, but it has nothing to do with what this dem puts on his Christmas cards does it?
"May the miracle of Christmas help bring peace to this young woman and her wounded land."

Doesn't seem all that confusing to me.
Was it for sure a Christmas Card, or did it say something like "Peace on Earth"?
It's a Christmas card. Here's the deal:
"May the peace and joy of this Christmas season be with you and your loved ones throughout the coming year," the card reads.

"While it may seem odd to put a portrait of a young Muslim woman on a Christmas card, this Season reminds us that He loves His children most of all," Bredesen stated on the back of the card.
Nothing confusing about it. Some people seem to have short attention spans.
Read the link Dam. Christmas card.................A card sent at Christmas. Get the CHRIST part?
I read it, and then posted afterward...

He had a Christmas wish for the young woman to know peace through the "miracle of Christmas"... It didn't seem ambivalent to me. Why would it be "confusing" to these people?
Read the link Dam. Christmas card.................A card sent at Christmas. Get the CHRIST part?
Do people that have birthdays around christmas get birthday carsds or christmas cards ?

Christ turned away no one based on their background. Why do current "christians" run them off ?
This card would have been better suited for Ramadan and not Christmas.
Not with his specific wish for her and her nation. That the "miracle of Christmas" provide peace for them. The card seemed particularly suited for Christmas and the 'confusion' appears to be entirely partisan based.
Guess he couldn't find anything Christian to put on the card, so he put on a picture of a religion that honors death and destruction.