Religious Hypocrisy and Freedom of Speech


Atheist Missionary
Blatantly anti-Semitic literature is on sale in Cairo, just like many other Arab capitals. The BBC News website's Martin Patience reports on the apparent inconsistency in the Egyptian reaction to the Danish cartoons caricaturing the Prophet Muhammad.
Two hundred metres from the Arab League's headquarters in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, there are two newspaper kiosks on the pavement.

They sell all sorts of Egyptian papers and magazines - including Hijab, a fashion monthly for religious Muslim women showing a cover-girl wearing the latest style of headscarf.

Passing customers can also buy books - trashy romance novels, computer guidebooks, and children's story books.

But on closer inspection, both kiosks openly stock the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a notorious anti-Semitic text that purports to be an account of Jewish plans to rule the world, but was actually written by Tsarist secret police in 1905.

They also sell Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf.

West accused

With protests continuing throughout the world over cartoons satirising the Prophet Mohammed, Arab League Secretary General Amr Mousa weighed into the crisis recently, accusing the West of operating "double standards" when it came to freedom of expression.
"What about freedom of expression when anti-Semitism is involved?" asked Mr Mousa.

"Then it is not freedom of expression. Then it is a crime.

"But when Islam is insulted, certain powers... raise the issue of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression should be one yardstick, not two or three," he said.

But it's clear that some publishers in Egypt do not practise the kind of respect for religious groups that Mr Mousa is calling for from the West.

As numerous commentators have pointed out, in many Arab and Muslim countries anti-Semitism is widespread.

'Nothing to hide'

One of the newspaper sellers, Mohammed Ahmed, insists he has nothing to hide.

"People want to buy the books," says the 32-year-old. "Why shouldn't I sell them?"

He argues that selling the book is "freedom of expression and that liberty is the best way".

How can these idiots claim FoS when it involves something they like, yet.....

Want to end FoS when they feel hurt feelings?
Easy answer to that... they are muslim. Of course, we do have our Jerry Falwells to contend with.

Easy answer to that... they are muslim. Of course, we do have our Jerry Falwells to contend with.

I don't think this is a exclusively Muslim problem. I remember the Christian groups campaigning to stop the BBC broadcasting 'Jerry Springer, the musical' because it offended Christian sensibilities....
Easy answer to that... they are muslim. Of course, we do have our Jerry Falwells to contend with.

I don't think this is a exclusively Muslim problem. I remember the Christian groups campaigning to stop the BBC broadcasting 'Jerry Springer, the musical' because it offended Christian sensibilities....

Which is why I added this: "Of course, we do have our Jerry Falwells to contend with."

It's not exclusively Muslim, however, it IS much more prominent in the Muslim, or should I say Theocratic?, community.

By the way, there is always room for one more hypocrit come join us anytime. :)

I know what you mean, the Muslims do seem to take offence at the drop of a hat these days....

I guess Christianity is lucky that it has been subjected to an Enlightenment that has mellowed the mainstream slightly.

Whilst I contend that Christianity is in need of continuing enlightenment, the Muslims have a dire need for it...
Never heard of Jerry Springer the Musical...

Its a British Comedy, quite funny. It does have a gay Jesus in a giant nappy on the Springer show, which annoyed the Christians....
Muslims are like liberals, freedom of speech for all who agree with me!

Toby, what are you blathering on about?

Have you ever made a substantiated statement on these boards?
Never heard of Jerry Springer the Musical...

Its a British Comedy, quite funny. It does have a gay Jesus in a giant nappy on the Springer show, which annoyed the Christians....
I'd watch it.

I remember when the church I grew up in were upset about Jesus Christ Superstar.
I'd watch it.

I remember when the church I grew up in were upset about Jesus Christ Superstar.

From the sounds of it, I would not watch it... but not because of any religious "uproar" about it. I am no fan of Jerry Springer, why would I watch a musical about him? However, More power to those who would.

I am no fan of Jerry Springer, why would I watch a musical about him? However, More power to those who would.

It's a comedy, a spoof, Manny.....

Spoofs are big in the UK at the minute, as you can tell with the Borat /Ali G thing... lol
I am no fan of Jerry Springer, why would I watch a musical about him? However, More power to those who would.

It's a comedy, a spoof, Manny.....

Spoofs are big in the UK at the minute, as you can tell with the Borat /Ali G thing... lol

Sort of like "Airplane" was here? That is what I figured and that is the second strike against it. I never find those kind of things to be funny at all.

With something like this, a spoof on Jerry Springer, you would need to watch Jerry in order to get the "jokes" (and I should put "so-called" in front of jokes) in order to understand the spoofs. So, since I don't watch Jerry, I would not likely find the musical to be very funny.

I'm much more of an action/drama kind of person to be honest with you.
