Relocating U.N. Headquarters


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If for no other reason than diplomatic immunity the U.N. should be relocated on the most isolated island available; preferably one that is located in the coldest year-around climate where U.N. charity hustlers would freeze their balls off. (A vision of the Frankenstein monster floating away on a big chunk of ice comes to mind.) Or perhaps on an island way out on the western end of the Aleutian Chain where it would not matter what sponges say. Out of sight out of mind is the way to go if the U.N. cannot be shut them down completely.


St. Matthew Island

The perfect home for U.N. headquarters is:

Located halfway across the Bering Sea between Alaska and Russia, nobody survives too long on the island

October 7, 2020 12:36 pm
The Bizarre History of St. Matthew, America’s Most Remote Island
By Tanner Garrity

Manhattan’s birds will be at home with the other birds:
