“Remember to vote conservative…”


conservative democrat
Staff member
We need one of these signs like the bottom one for Oklahoma. And we can add Texas cities to it also. I’ve never seen the like of people from those two states moving here.

We need one of these signs like the bottom one for Oklahoma. And we can add Texas cities to it also. I’ve never seen the like of people from those two states moving here.

Picturing life in Idaho as one of total mediocrity, the sign makes perfect sense
We need one of these signs like the bottom one for Oklahoma. And we can add Texas cities to it also. I’ve never seen the like of people from those two states moving here.

My concern is that people fleeing the effects of leftist government haven't figured out what ruined their former home states.

If they can't learn from history, they are doomed to repeat it.

I wondered sometimes if the diaspora was a cynical DEMOCRAT device to pollute red states with hordes of faithful voters who automatically vote D because they always have, or because their parents did.

But then I remembered that people don't need to actually vote for DEMOCRATS to win elections anymore.
I do like it !

In Florida they wear t-shirts.

i love how it's a dog whistle for our resident troll. He never add any explanation. Just coming arunning.
My concern is that people fleeing the effects of leftist government haven't figured out what ruined their former home states.

If they can't learn from history, they are doomed to repeat it.

I wondered sometimes if the diaspora was a cynical DEMOCRAT device to pollute red states with hordes of faithful voters who automatically vote D because they always have, or because their parents did.

But then I remembered that people don't need to actually vote for DEMOCRATS to win elections anymore.

A lot of what made California & New York so expensive was just as much Supply & Demand.
Coupled with high property tax.

Even so, some Republican areas are just as bad.

Do you believe Mississippi & West Virginia are beacons of hope!!??
Fix your quote Legion.

House prices are generally higher in & around big cities because of more job opportunities, more entertainment, shorter shopping distances etc.

Supply & demand.